The Traitors, season 3: which contestants are left?

Claudia Winkleman returns to host series 3
Claudia Winkleman returns to host series three - Cody Burridge/BBC

The Traitors airs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on BBC One at 9pm; the final is on Friday 24 January

Another group of strangers have lined up at the picturesque Scottish Highlands castle to play the ultimate game of detection, backstabbing and trust, as the BBC reality show returns for a third series.

And, in all its camp glory, it is off to a riveting start with early surprises, rule changes and host Claudia Winkleman still hamming it up delightfully. The number of contestants this year has risen from 22 to 25, but three of them essentially got off the train to Ardross Castle in an early “sacrifice”... albeit, with a twist as two returned to the game later. Hidden amongst the tribe are the Traitors whose job is to secretly murder their fellow players, without getting caught. It’s up to the others, the Faithful, to try to detect who the Traitors are, and banish them from the game, before they become their next victim.

Those who make it to the final this year will no longer reveal whether they are a Faithful or Traitor as they are banished. Instead, the remaining players will have to rely on their instincts about whether or not any Traitors are left, making their decision of when to end the game harder.


Last year, Traitor Harry Clarke, a 23-year-old former British Army engineer, ruthlessly betrayed sweet Faithful Mollie Pearce to take home the £95,150 prize pot. Again, there’s up to £120,000 up for grabs. Winkleman’s fingerless hand-warmers might be firmly on, but for the players, the gloves are off.

So who has the smarts to win? Here’s a rundown of this year’s hopefuls and current standings.

Who has already left the Traitors?

Episode 1: Yin – murdered

Faithful Yin
Faithful Yin - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 34
Occupation: Doctor of communication

Yin’s game was short-lived after the Traitors decided to murder her over concerns about her intellectual threat. “I’m 90 per cent competitive, 10 per cent fun,” she said. Not much fun being the Traitors’ first victim. “I’m not embarrassed to be out first, but I’m disappointed,” she concluded.


Episode 2: Nathan – banished

Faithful Nathan
Faithful Nathan - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 39
Occupation: Property Consultant

With eight votes, Nathan was the first contestant to be banished at the round table. He thought he’d bring “chaos” to the game, but he raised suspicion way too early. A blow for the Faithful squad.

Episode 2: Keith – murdered

Faithful Keith
Faithful Keith - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 65
Occupation: Window cleaner

“I was likeable, I was a father figure, I was a friend,” said Keith. He’s also been lying to his wife for the past 35 years about enjoying her spaghetti bolognaise. At least she doesn’t make it with corned beef, Keith. The Traitors thought that getting rid of Keith would “shock” the group and upset players.

Episode 2: Elen – banished

Faithful Elen
Faithful Elen - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 24
Occupation: Translator

Elen showed early promise and had eyes on Linda from the get-go, believing that the Traitors included at least one strong woman. But her pleas backfired and she was banished, amid floods of tears, with nine votes. Elen believed “the universe wanted [her] to experience this amazing opportunity” but that she was ultimately way out of her depth and “too emotional”.


Episode 3: Armani – banished

Traitor Armani
Traitor Armani - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Traitor
Age: 27
Occupation: Financial Investigator

Armani entered the show alongside her younger sister Maia, but after a tense round-table discussion in which she received the most votes, it was her sibling that helped to seal her fate by revealing that she didn’t trust her. And to add fuel to the fire, fellow Traitor Minah also voted for her.

Before the series started, Armani said: “People get voted out at the round table or get killed off that are too quiet and equally for being too loud.” But the self styled “lead” Traitor was soon called out over her “cockiness” and remaining Traitors Linda and Minah agreed that in her being “overconfident [she] has done herself over.”

Episode 4: Maia – murdered

Faithful Maia
Faithful Maia - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful 
Age: 25 
Occupation: Full-time Mum


Before starting the series, Maia opined, “I can’t just sit on that Round Table and not have an opinion.” It was this approach that influenced the banishment of her sister Armani, when she declared she was “60 per cent” convinced her sibling was a Traitor. But when the axe fell upon her, it wasn’t in retribution, more because, as apex Traitor Minah had it, “Wouldn’t it be interesting getting rid of two sisters in one day?”

Episode 4: Jack – stranded

Jack, left
Jack, left - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: unknown 
Age: 24 
Occupation: Market trader and landscaper

Alongside Fozia and Alexander, Jack volunteered to leave the train in episode one, jeopardising his future on the show. But the trio returned, now hanging in treetop cages. Each was invited to appeal to the wider group to be allowed back into the game, but following strong pitches from his companions, Jack’s approach failed to capture hearts and minds. “I ain’t a conflict-resolver, I’m a gardener from Yorkshire,” was his opening salvo, culminating in a final limp cry of, “LET’S GET THIS MONEY! COME ON!” When Fozia and Alexander won the vote, Jack could only reflect, “This has been one big wake-up call to how brutal The Traitors can be.” Last we saw, he was still dangling, somewhere in that forest.

Episode 4: Kasim – banished

Faithful Kas
Faithful Kas - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 33
Occupation: Doctor

Having been pursued as a Traitor almost from the very beginning, based on the theory his day job would be the perfect cover for someone with nefarious intent, Kasim knew his time was running out. In his final Round Table he rued that over the last few days the group had ostracised him, denying him the chance to get any foothold in the game. But, he left with a flourish, teasing the spurious theories that led to his exit: “And Joe, who’d have thought you’d have caught me based on a twinkle in the eye? On the first Round Table I was selected [long pause] ... to be [long pause] ... a [long pause] ... Faithful.”

Episode 5: Tyler – banished

Faithful Tyler
Faithful Tyler - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful 
Age: 29 
Occupation: Barber

“I thought maybe... Tyler,” said Freddie when pushed for a suspect by Leanne. And that seemed to be all it took to break up the show’s dominant alliance of Tyler, Leanne, Leon and Livi. With the seed of doubt planted, Leanne and Leon led the accusations in the Round Table, the former putting it to Tyler that “sometimes I do look at you and I catch you doing, like, a smile to yourself.” Before coming into the show, Tyler had erroneously predicted he’d fall in with the older players. “I can’t trust younger people. I don’t know what it is but I don’t trust them.” But, in the end, they didn’t trust him.

Episode 6: Olivia (Livi) – murdered

Faithful Livi
Faithful Livi - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 26 
Occupation: Beautician and Model

Episode six ended on a dramatic cliffhanger thanks to a secret task by the Traitors. But earlier, they decided to murder Faithful Livi. She wasn’t surprised: “I’ve had such a good time in here but I knew it was going to happen.” Linda acknowledged she’d been close to Livi, but, as she told Minah, “I’m here to win.”

Episode 6: Dan – banished

Faithful Dan
Faithful Dan - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 33
Occupation: Bank Risk Manager

Dan may have been playing his own “strategic game” – “I don’t have to tell everyone every thought and action,” he said in a bitter defence of himself on Friday night – but it meant he quickly lost the trust of the other contestants. Minah put on a particularly clever performance, declaring to Dan with tears in her eyes: “Regardless of what happens tonight, I cannot trust you.” When he was revealed to be a Faithful, Claudia told the table: “You’ve shot yourselves in the foot.”

Episode 7: Fozia – murdered

Fozia - Cody Burridge/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 50 
Occupation: Community Development Manager

Having been pitched into a “death match” card game against Alexander, Anna and Leon, Fozia found herself head-to-head with the latter in the final round. Alas for her, Leon turned over the “Life” card, securing his future in the game. In a twist on the format, The Traitors personally delivered the death notice to their prey – prompting a slightly testy moment as Fozia declared, “Linda I knew it was you... you’re not going to last.” And then, prophetically, “You’re going next.”

Episode 7: Linda – banished

Traitor Linda
Traitor Linda - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Traitor
Age: 70 
Occupation: Retired opera singer

Jake had been on Linda’s trail since the very first episode and her telling turn of the head when Claudia boomed, “Traitors!” “Huge respect to yourself,” Jake said in the Round Table as he revealed her name on his voting slate, “but I just can’t go against my gut feeling.” And with the majority falling in with that point of view, the show’s most theatrical Traitor was vanquished. Ever the actress, Linda – who described the experience as “the pinnacle of my life” – exited with a final flourish: “I am a f... TRAITOR!”

Episode 8: Anna – murdered

Faithful Anna
Faithful Anna - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 28 
Occupation: Swimming Teacher

Having previously rebuffed the Traitors’ advances to join their ranks, and then survived episode six’s Death Match, Anna’s had a torrid time of it. Weighing up their next murder option with her new Traitor recruit Charlotte, Minah grimly declared of Anna, “I kind of want to get it over and done with, I feel like she’s served her purpose now... She’s no longer needed, she’s gone to a happier place.” Upon receiving the news, their quarry reflected, “I’ve been dealt a really tough hand throughout this game.” And then, “I’m on to someone. I still think it’s Minah.”

Episode 8: Alex – banished

Faithful Alex
Faithful Alex - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 29
Occupation: Care Manager

Before arriving at the treacherous turrets, Alex confessed, “I think some things will definitely hinder me. Sometimes I cannot help myself but say something.” So it proved in a fateful spitballing session in the kitchen, when he mused, “I feel like looking at Linda’s voting pattern... she hasn’t thrown a Traitor under the bus.” It immediately roused suspicions, particularly in Joe. At the Round Table, he jumped on Alex, sealing his fate: “You would only know that Linda hadn’t voted for other Traitors if you were a Traitor, and I think you slipped up there.”

Episode 9: Lisa – murdered

Faithful Lisa
Faithful Lisa - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 62
Occupation: Anglican Priest

The woman of the cloth was sent to a better place by Traitors Minah and Charlotte, with the former reasoning, “She’s clearly observing more than she was letting on”. “God, we’re killing a priest!” gushed Charlotte. Minah ran with the theme, cooing: “Lord have mercy”. Picking up the news of her own demise, Lisa also continued the ecclesiastical imagery with her final summation: “There may be no Second Coming for me, but I’ll be seeing them on the other side.”

Leon – banished

Faithful Leon
Faithful Leon - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 40 
Occupation: Retail store manager

Since emerging from his coffin after the Death Match, Leon has been a changed man. Entering the Round Table, he was determined to switch things up, declaring, “Safe is not going to catch Traitors”. But while Francesca took a lot of heat (memorably declaring, “I don’t vote for Traitors, because I don’t know who they are”), she and Leon totted up four votes. It was left to Freddie to issue the decider, explaining, “I voted for you Leon, I respect you so much as a person, I’m sorry if I’ve got this wrong.” Leon exited with more philosophy: “It’s just my time man, it’s the way the cookie crumbles.”

Episode 10: Joe – murdered

Faithful Joe
Faithful Joe - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful 
Age: 37  
Occupation: English Teacher

“Because I’m a teacher, my life is based around planning,” said Joe before entering the show. “I have to plan for every moment, every possible question, everything that could go wrong.” Alas, for him, the Traitors’ plan was his expulsion. “Joe is a loud voice,” reasoned Charlotte. “I think it will help without him.” To his credit, the educator had even foreseen this moment, and, mulling on his death notice, he sighed,  “Do you know what? I expected it. They played it smart, they know how vocal I’ve been.”

Minah – banished

Traitor Minah
Traitor Minah - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Traitor 
Age: 29 
Occupation: Call Centre Manager

The bookies’ early favourite to win the series came undone thanks to the treachery of her fellow Traitor, Charlotte. “The pendulum is now swinging in an anti-Minah direction,” reflected the counterfeit Welsh national, when Freddie shared his suspicions about her. With Francesca also then sensing something traitorous about the show’s OG villain during the giant chess game, the group turned upon Minah during the Round Table. She did, at least, get the chance to call out Alexander for missing out the “H” in her name on his voting slate. But the final swing vote came from Charlotte: “I believe this person’s a Traitor, because you have such an amazing calmness... I voted for you Minah.”

Which contestants are still in?


Alexander - Cody Burridge/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 38 
Occupation: Former British Diplomat


Traitor Charlotte
Traitor Charlotte - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Traitor
Age: 32 
Occupation: Business Director


Faithful Francesca
Faithful Francesca - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 44
Occupation: Interior Designer


Faithful Freddie
Faithful Freddie - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 20
Occupation: Politics Student


Faithful Jake
Faithful Jake - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 28
Occupation: Project manager


Faithful Leanne
Faithful Leanne - Euan Cherry/BBC

Status: Faithful
Age: 28
Occupation: former soldier masquerading as a nail technician