Transgender girl stabbed by Snapchat gang, court hears

Summer Betts-Ramsey, 20, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of a knife
Summer Betts-Ramsey, 20, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of a knife

A transgender girl was repeatedly stabbed by a group of masked youths after lying about her gender and then performing a sex act on a boy, a court has heard.

The girl, who was 18 at the time, was lured into a car park in Harrow, north-west London after being invited to a roller disco, the Old Bailey was told.

The attackers had turned on the girl after a boy was told she was transgender after having a sexual relationship with her, the court heard.

‘Difficult to trust people’

Other members of the group then set about creating a ruse to “beat her up”, prosecutors said.

The girl told the court she now finds it “difficult to trust people”, and has “thick scars” as a result of her injuries.


Summer Betts-Ramsey, 20, Bradley Harris, 18, Camron Osei, 18, Shiloh Hindes, 18, and a 17-year-old boy have admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Additionally, Betts-Ramsey has admitted possession of a knife, and a 17-year-old girl has admitted robbing the girl’s handbag after the attack, and possession of a class B drug.

In January 2024, the girl was with Harris at his house, and while there, a mutual friend called Harris telling him she was “trans”.

“Having been attacked in the past because of her transgender identity, she denied it,” prosecutor Deanna Heer KC told jurors.

She and Harris then kissed, and she performed oral sex on him, the court heard.

Soon afterwards, another friend told Harris that the girl was a “tranny”, the prosecutor said.

‘I’ll stab you if you lie’

She denied it again, but when Harris picked up a knife and said, “I’ll stab you if you lie”, she felt intimidated and admitted that she was transgender before Harris told her to leave.


When Harris told the group she had lied to him, they turned on her, Ms Heer said.

The Snapchat group, which the youths were a part of, descended into arguing, and Betts-Ramsey threatened to stab the girl.

When the girl asked the group when they would be next meeting, Harris responded: “(I’m) not your mate... you tranny”.

Other members of the group encouraged the girl to arrange a fight with Betts-Ramsey, but Ms Heer said it was “all a ruse” to attack her.

Phone evidence revealed that during a call, Betts-Ramsey told someone: “I have to go to Harrow to beat up some... a f------ tranny bro.”

On Feb 10, the girl left her home, believing she was going to a roller-skating event with the group, the court heard.

Betts-Ramsey, from Barnet, Harris, from Harrow, Osei, from Tadworth, Surrey, Hindes, from Southwark, and the 17-year-old boy were all dressed in dark clothing, with masks and hoods, and were waiting at the bus stop.

‘Immediately attacked’

Once at a nearby car park, she was “immediately attacked”, and she had no time to say anything or do anything to defend herself, the court was told.


Once she was on the ground, Betts-Ramsey took out a knife and stabbed towards her at least 14 times.

As Betts-Ramsey was stabbing her, the others continued to attack her with kicks and punches for about 45 seconds before the group left the scene, the prosecutor said.

Members of the public helped the girl, and an ambulance was called.

When they arrived, ambulance staff found she had suffered a number of stab wounds and had a weak pulse, and she was taken to hospital, the court heard.

Members of the group bragged about the assault later, posting footage on social media, Ms Heer said.

The 17-year-old boy sent the girl a message which said “Ur lookin sweet”, the court was told.

That night, a message was sent to Betts-Ramsey which said: “stabbing a girl cus she’s trans... it’s disgusting”, to which Betts-Ramsey replied: “IT deserved it”.

The sentencing continues.