A Trump movie that Trump hates is going to get a lot more attention, courtesy of the Oscars
You probably didn't see "The Apprentice," a Trump biopic that came out last year — very few people did.
But now the movie is going to get a boost via two high-profile Academy Award nominations.
That could be uncomfortable for Trump and Hollywood, which shied away from the movie last year.
Donald Trump didn't want you to see "The Apprentice" last year. And he got his way: The unflattering Trump biopic struggled to get to theaters and was a flop when it eventually got there in October.
But now "The Apprentice" is going to get a lot more attention, courtesy of the Oscars: Sebastian Stan just received a best-actor nomination for his portrayal of Trump. And Jeremy Strong's take on Roy Cohn, Trump's former attorney and mentor, earned him a nomination for best supporting actor.
Like most things on TV, the Academy Awards don't get anything like the attention they used to get in the preinternet age. But they're still the Academy Awards, and they still draw a bigger audience than just about anything that's not an NFL game. Last year's show drew nearly 20 million TV viewers in the US.
Which means that when this year's show airs on March 2, there's a decent chance that a film the president of the United States tried to stop from being shown — via a cease-and-desist letter — could get a burst of new publicity and exposure. I wonder what Trump and his supporters will think of that.
I also wonder what the people who run Hollywood's biggest studios and streamers — the same people who didn't want to touch "The Apprentice" — will think of that.
"Sebastian and Jeremy took career-defining risks to do this movie. And they fucking nailed their roles," Gabriel Sherman, the journalist who wrote the movie's screenplay, told me via email. "It's also satisfying that the Academy is standing up for great art at a time when the culture seems to be chilled by the new political climate."
The backstory behind "The Apprentice" could be its own movie, and it's a hard one to summarize. I'll try here: Mark Rapaport, the producer who financed the movie, ended up clashing with Sherman and the film's director, Ali Abbasi, and told them he didn't want it released. (I've asked Rapaport for comment about Thursday's news.) Rapaport is also the son-in-law of Dan Snyder, the billionaire who bankrolled Rapaport's production company, and who donated $1 million to Trump's 2017 inauguration.
The controversy generated attention when the movie debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, but the movie struggled to find a Hollywood distributor — a fact Sherman chalked up to the industry's fear of angering Trump before November's election.
"Trump talks a lot about 'weaponization of government,'" Sherman told me this past fall. "This is a very specific case where he has now influenced the corporate and creative decisions of these Hollywood companies to basically chill content that he would object to."
For a longer version of the story, you can listen to me talking to Sherman about the movie on my "Channels" podcast. And for a midsize version, check out excerpts of that chat here.
Read the original article on Business Insider