UK households who still have Christmas tree in house after December 'warned'

Songbird Survival has warned households to remove their trees to their back gardens or yards immediately now Christmas is over.
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

UK households who have a Christmas tree still in their house in the wake of December have been warned. Songbird Survival has warned households to remove their trees to their back gardens or yards immediately now Christmas is over.

"Like us, birds look for shelter to keep warm. Making a windbreak can be an effective way of keeping an area of your garden clear from drifting snow and bitter winds, allowing the birds access to feeders during the winter. If you can provide an area of shelter need your feeding station, this is even better as they can expend as little energy as possible to reach it....," it said.

" An old Christmas tree, or a pile of branches and other foliage can be placed on the ground to provide shelter. Adding a sheet of plywood to serve as a wall will drastically reduce the wind. Behind the contraption, on the sheltered side you can clear the snow from the ground and either scatter seed or use ground feeders.


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"Evergreens are also a good source of shelter and will offer them some comfort in the cold weather. Some ornamental conifers also offer good cover, as do privets, laurels, and Pyracantha. Holly and ivy provide great cover and can be a saviour for many small birds, as well as being a welcome sight of Christmas time!"

It comes as Birmingham Hospice offers collections for Christmas trees in B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B23, B24, B26, B27, B28, B29, B30, B31, B32, B33, B34, B35, B36, B37, B38, B42, B43, B44, B45, B46, B47, B62, B67, B68, B72, B73, B74, B75, B76, B90, B91, B92, B93, B94.


It says: "By booking a collection and making a donation, you are supporting local people this festive season. £18 could pay for injectable medicines to keep patients comfortable who choose to die at home, so they can make special memories with their loved ones this Christmas.

"£30 could pay for one hour of nursing in the community to ensure we reach those who need us most at a time that can be lonely for many people. £56 could pay for a bereavement support session to help families through the journey of grief during the festive season."