UK households warned over 'six things' home insurance won't cover in Storm Eowyn

UK households warned over 'six things' home insurance won't cover in Storm Eowyn
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

UK households living in areas Storm Eowyn could batter on Friday have been warned over what home insurance policies will and WON'T cover. Admiral was among the insurers to reach out to UK households via email as 100mph gales were predicted.

"It looks like there's a weather warning in your area for an increased chance of wind and rain storms," Admiral said. “Please be aware damage to fences and hedges aren't covered under your Admiral policy, so before the storm begins, secure any loose gates or fence posts.”

Admiral added: "Under storm conditions, your home insurance policy covers: wind damage; water damage; damage caused by snow or hail; During cold weather, you’re also covered for frozen pipes inside your home. What we don't cover: gates, fences , hedges, damage caused by wear and tear, unfinished alterations, extensions.”


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Once the storm has passed and only if it’s safe to do so, you should check your roof, guttering, windows and garden. The insurer said: "Stand back to check your roof and note if there are any visible problems like missing tiles or damaged flashing (the flat, thin pieces of metal).

"Loose tiles or debris from the roof could slip into the gutters and cause a blockage. Any moss or leaves in your guttering will be prone to freezing, so clear them out. Strong winds could have caused branches to bang against windows and cause cracks, while heavy rain may have leaked through, highlighting weak spots.


"Look around for any damage, like broken furniture. Make a note of it and clear out any debris if it’s safe to do so. Unfortunately, we can't cover you for anything that was previously damaged before the storm." The insurer also explained it "depends" on whether they pay out.

"It depends. Damage caused by normal weather or wear and tear isn’t covered. We define a storm that can cause damage to well-maintained homes as wind with gusts of at least 55mph, heavy rainfall at a rate of at least 25mm per hour, snow to a depth of at least 30cm in 24 hours and hail that causes damage to hard surfaces or breaks glass."