UK’s only safer drug consumption facility opening in Scotland is win for society

The Safer Drugs Consumption Facility on Hunter Street, Glasgow
-Credit:Pic Ross Turpie Daily Record / Sunday Mail

The UK’s first and only safer drug consumption facility opens on Monday.

First Minister John Swinney has greeted the facility, housed near The Barras market in Glasgow, as a big step forward. And he’s right of course.

Many nations with far lesser drug addiction deaths than Scotland have embraced these services. They are part of the treatment fabric and should be on offer in any society that believes in helping its most afflicted people. The best resolution any addicted person might strive for would be to break free from drugs.

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But life doesn’t pan out that way for so many, as our shameful drug death ­statistics show year after year. That means Scotland had to choose between looking the other way or providing services like The Thistle, which will cost £2million a year to run.

It may be a small number of people using the centre will be saved from a fatal overdose. Statistics will never show the ones who don’t die. There may be a challenge in getting the ball rolling, given the wariness of some drug users to engage with services.

But the foundation of this properly funded, NHS managed facility will act as a powerful symbol of a new direction in Scotland, where addiction is genuinely treated as a health issue rather than a criminal one. It has taken 10 years of ugly political wrangling and frustrating delivery hiccups to get this flagship centre open.

The Daily Record applauds those who got the facility over the line. We believe there should be similar services established wherever a need is identified. Getting addiction off the streets and alleyways – and one step closer to treatment – is a win for all of society.

Help our heroes

The SNP government should rethink delaying the full devolution of the industrial injuries benefit.


The deal to hand over the power to Holyrood from the Department for Work and Pensions was struck 10 years ago. The Scottish Government has had ages to get its act in order and is ­dragging its heels.

More and more footballers are suffering from dementia and similar diseases because of their work. They need and deserve the support that would come with the payment.

Roz Foyer is right that it is an insult to those who played sport for our ­entertainment to be treated in such a way. Holyrood could definitely tailor a new benefit to help out these football legends.

They have the welfare powers and an increased budget from Westminster. Our sporting heroes cannot afford to wait any longer.

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