Un-baaaa-lievable! Police called in as sheep on the run in North Staffordshire

Police were called in after a flock of sheep were seen happily grazing in the middle of a busy North Staffordshire road. At least 11 sheep were spotted on a grass verge in Old Butt Lane, Talke, this morning (January 15).

Families contacted the farmer to arrange for the sheep to be collected, while officers were also alerted. The woolly escapees were back home before 10am after at least two hours.

Residents say it isn't entirely unusual with the animals trotting around the area around West Avenue over the weekend. Further footage captured in the early hours of this morning shows them having a wander down to some of the businesses on the road.

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A Staffordshire Police spokesman said: "We were called at 7.50am today to Old Butt Lane in Talke following reports of sheep grazing close to the road. Around 10 sheep were on a grass verge near to the road.

"A short time later the animals were reported as being in the road heading towards the roundabout by West Avenue. We informed the owner and attended the scene. The sheep were secured by 9.40am."

One resident told StokeonTrentLive: "There are sheep loose on West Avenue. This has been happening since the weekend. We are just worried about them. Police have been called."

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