Urgent plea after lorries smash into Birmingham bridge three times so far this year

Part of the lorry's trailer has been sheered off when its hit the Summer Road railway bridge in Erdington
-Credit:Birmingham Live

A city MP has called for more action after a bridge was struck by lorries three times already this year. The railway bridge in Summer Road, Erdington, has been hit by trucks four times in weeks, including twice within hours of each other on Tuesday (Jan 7).

Each collision results in extensive disruption with road and rail closures continuing for hours at a time. Despite brightly coloured hazards and warnings, HGVs continue to plough into the structure.

MP Paulette Hamilton spoke about the situation to Lilian Greenwood, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport during a road safety debate in Parliament on Tuesday (Jan 7). She said: "Does the Minister agree that the local council needs to step up and implement measures to address this issue, not only to prevent the severe disruption that is caused by these accidents, but to ensure the safety of other road users and pedestrians?"


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Ms Greenwood said the local authority and the Mayor of the West Midlands, together with the traffic authorities were "best placed to make these decisions." Following yesterday's double strike, Martin Colmey, operations director for Network Rail’s Central route, said: “The railway bridge on Summer Road in Erdington has been hit three times this month.

The scene of the bridge strike in Summer Road in Erdington involving a lorry from Velocity a transport firm based in Seaham in the north east of England
The scene of the bridge strike in Summer Road in Erdington involving a lorry from Velocity a transport firm based in Seaham in the north east of England -Credit:Birmingham Live

“Bridge strikes cause disruption to both rail and road users and there is no excuse for driving a lorry into a bridge. Our bridges are clearly marked, and lorry drivers should always know the height restrictions of their vehicles.

“We are looking into what might have caused this recent spate of bridge bashes but I plead with all drivers to know their vehicle restrictions and if in doubt about whether they can fit under a bridge to always use an alternative route.” birmingham-city-council>Birmingham City Council has been contacted for comment.