Row Brews After Supreme Court Justice's Death

Row Brews After Supreme Court Justice's Death

Antonin Scalia, the longest-serving justice on the US Supreme Court, has died at the age of 79, with a political row brewing over who should choose his successor.

His death comes as the court is set to hear its first major abortion case for almost 10 years, and ahead of important cases on voting rights, affirmative action and immigration.

The staunch conservative was found dead on Saturday morning in Texas after not showing up for breakfast during a hunting trip.

President Barack Obama made a televised tribute, saying he was a "larger-than-life" character and a "brilliant legal mind" - and that he intended to nominate a successor.

But leading Republicans want the new president - who will take office in January - to select his replacement.

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Democrats have baulked at that suggestion, with Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton saying it would "dishonour our constitution" to leave the post vacant for so long.

President Obama's candidate could tip the balance of the court 5-4 in favour of liberals.

However the Republican majority on Capitol Hill is likely to rally against any nomination during the final months of his presidency.

Speaking during a televised debate, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump urged the Senate to "delay, delay, delay."

Ted Cruz said: "The Senate needs to stand strong. We're not going to give up the US Supreme Court for a generation by allowing Barack Obama to make one more liberal appointee."

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell also issued a statement backing that call.

Democrats were quick to hit back - with Hillary Clinton joined by the Senate's top Democrat, Harry Reid, who said it would be "unprecedented" to leave the post vacant until next year.

Justice Scalia was appointed to the top US court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan and was known for his strident conservative views and theatrical flair.

He was a passionate supporter of the death penalty and voted consistently to let states outlaw abortions.

As the political fall out goes on, tributes continue to be paid to the judge.

US Chief Justice John Roberts called him an "extraordinary individual" who was "admired and treasured by his colleagues".

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said in a statement: "Justice Antonin Scalia was a man of God, a patriot and an unwavering defender of the written Constitution and the rule of law."