Katy Perry Really Needs a Nap

While strutting down the pink carpet for the world premiere EPIX screening of Katy Perry: The Prismatic World Tour, Katy Perry acknowledged she might well be ready for some serious down time. “I am not ‘on’ every day. We have days where I am sometimes at 85 percent to 100 percent, but I try my best,” she said, adding that she’s taking precautions to maintain her health. “I am looking after my health, which is most important, because if I get sick, then I can’t play a show. Thankfully, I have not gotten sick -- where is the wood I can knock on!?” Some of her preventive measures include eating health snakes (“kale, dried fruit”), “a probiotic every day,” and ignoring the press wanting to call her a diva. “’ I’m sorry, if you lived on the road every single day and you were in and out of a different hotel, like don’t you want a comfort,” Perry said of life on the road, which started in May in 2014 and scheduled through October of this year. “Don’t you want sliced turkey and some baby wipes!?”