Warwickshire McDonalds to open 24 hours despite 'noise and littering' backlash

Plans were approved by Warwick District Council
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Plans to open a Warwickshire McDonalds for 24 hours a day have been given the go-ahead. Warwick District Council approved the application, but only for an initial 12-month period.

Operators of McDonalds on Emscote Road in Warwick had applied to lift conditions that restricted opening times to between 6am and 11pm. Conditions were implemented 'to ensure that the premises are not used at a time that would be likely to cause nuisance or disturbance,' noting that it was 'closely adjoined by residential properties.'

Neighbours lodged objections to the 24-hour opening, saying it would lead to noise, traffic, and littering. Concerns were also raised by Cllr Becky Davidson, who cited antisocial behaviour at a nearby 24-hour McDonalds in Leamington.


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But Warwick District Council has decided to give the 24-hour opening for the Emscote Road McDonalds the go-ahead. Councillor Claire Wightman sympathised with people living nearby but supported the initial 12-month approval, which was granted in December.

Cllr Wightman said: “If I lived in the vicinity at the time the original application was approved and I was assured by those conditions only to find years later that they were being overturned, I can see that being a source of frustration.”

She continued: “I am also mindful that we are talking about risks rather than issues. Warwickshire Police have not objected. If over an extended period of time, the risk does not materialise into an issue, it can reasonably be said that risk reduces.”

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