WASPI women handed £2,950 compensation update after Labour warned 'pay up'

The new Labour Party government has been warned to "pay up" and compensate WASPI women - before more die. WASPI women are dying waiting for payouts from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after an Ombudsman report earlier this year.

SNP MP for Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey Graham Leadbitter has written to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and called on DWP minister Emma Reynolds to look into compensatory payments as a "priority".

Ms Leadbitter said: “Waspi women are only asking for what they’re rightfully owed, but have been left in the dark by successive UK governments who’ve paid them no mind. That can’t be allowed to continue under the Labour Party who must take a different approach and pay up.”

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Ms Leadbitter added in the letter to the new Labour Party government and Cabinet: “Already, nearly 300,000 women have died since the campaign for justice was launched in 2015. To allow any more women to go without receiving the compensation they’re due would be an unforgivable betrayal from this Labour government.

“The Chancellor has an opportunity to separate herself and this Labour government from the Tories’ abysmal record, but she’ll show just how similar they are if they choose to continue to ignore these calls. The SNP has stood firm with the Waspi campaigners, and my SNP MP colleagues and I will always stand up for swift justice and compensation.”

A report came out last month from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman recommending compensation of between £1,000 and £2,950. Previously, WASPI leader Angela Madden also spoke before the MPs, presenting a plan for two elements of compensation.

This would include a scale of payouts depending on how long a WASPI woman had to wait for their state pension, and separate compensation to cover direct financial losses.