Watch: Flying Spaghetti Monster Discovered At The Bottom Of The Ocean

This bizarre, multi-tentacled creature actually lives on Earth - thousands of feet beneath the Atlantic ocean.

BP workers made the discovery of the jellyfish-like beast off the coast of Angola - and it has been named after a parody religious god known as the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’.

Aside from the fact the white creature does actually look like a flying spaghetti monster, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster do actually worship such a creature.

ABOVE: The Flying Spaghetti Monster was named after a god

The resemblance between the two is so similar that the ocean beast now officially goes by that name.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster god is made out of pasta and meatballs and is worshipped by followers known as Pastafarians.

It’s believed that the monster created the universe after he had a mammoth drinking session and Fridays are holy days.

ABOVE: The creature was discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic

Unsurprisingly, students are big followers of the religion, that was started in 2005 by physics graduate Bobby Henderson.

The actual name of the creature found under the Atlantic is not quite as exciting - experts at the National Oceanography Centre think that it is a type of siphonophore known as Bathyphysa conifera.

They are related to corals and jellyfish.

And possibly Tagliatelle.