When is the first day of spring and when do the clocks go forward?

With the mornings starting to get lighter already, Brits are already getting excited at the prospect of spring finally starting.

After months of freezing cold weather, dark mornings and early sunsets, March heralds the beginning of the end of the gloom.

However, there are conflicting arguments as to when spring actually starts – with some believing it is already here…

Spring has technically already begun (Rex)
Spring has technically already begun (Rex)

Has spring already sprung?

Technically yes – the first day of meteorological spring was on 1 March 2017. However, astronomical spring begins on 20 March 2017.

What is the difference between the two?

Meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle and they are split into four equal periods, consisting of three months each. Due to the varied length of seasons, meteorological ones were introduced to split the calendar up so that each season is the same length. Meteorological spring is made up of March, April and May – meaning the last day is on 31 May.


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Astronomical seasons refer to the positions of the Earth’s orbit in relation to the Sun. Taking into account equinoxes and solstices, spring equinox – when both day and night are around the same length across the globe – begins on 20 March 2017. Equinox remains until summer solstice – when the sun is furthest north and the first day of summer, which is 21 June 2017.

Clocks go forward on 26 March this year (Rex/posed by model)
Clocks go forward on 26 March this year (Rex/posed by model)

When do the clocks go forward?

Daylight saving time in 2017 will begin on Sunday 26 March at 1am. The clocks will go forward by one hour – meaning mornings will initially be a little darker again – but the sun will be out later. It is also officially the start of British Summer Time (BST). And in case you have trouble remembering when the clocks go forward or back, there’s a simple phrase that will help – ‘spring forward, leap back’.

Have the days started getting lighter already?

Yes – the first 7am sunrise was on 22 February 2017 – and if it’s a sunny day, you will have probably already noticed it being lighter in the mornings.

Why do the clocks go forward?

Daylight saving, created by William Willett in 1907, is in place so that Brits can enjoy more daylight hours – which have been credited for reaching traffic accidents and encouraging people to take up outdoor exercise. However, critics argue that earlier mornings are more dangerous for children who make their way to school in the dark.

Top pic: Rex/posed by model