Why police helicopter was scrambled 'for hours' around main Warwickshire road

The NPAS helicopter was heard 'for hours' last night (January 6) by locals
-Credit:Paul Gillis/Reach

Police have explained why a helicopter was scrambled 'for hours' around a main road in Kenilworth. CoventryLive received reports about police activity on the A429 Coventry Road near Crackley Cottages.

Locals heard the rumble of the police helicopter as well as spotting patrol cars in the area. One said the helicopter was searching 'for hours' last night and asked us to find out why.

We contacted Warwickshire Police about the police presence, at around 11.30pm last night. A force spokesperson explained it followed reports of a suspicious male in the area.

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The helicopter was used as part of the search to locate him. "At 11:07pm we received a report because someone believed they could see a suspicious male in fields near Laneham Place," the force spokesperson said.

"Officers attended and no male was seen. We received no further reports concerning this." Anyone with any further information should call 101 or details can be passed on anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.