Woman charges her boyfriend £40 every time he stays at her house

A woman has revealed that she is able to save money by charging her boyfriend when he stays at her house (stock)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/Westend61)

A woman has sparked a debate after admitting she charges her boyfriend every time he stays at her place. Couples often have their own ways of splitting costs, from bills to meals and nights out, however one woman's stringent approach has caused a stir - she charges her partner for every sleepover, with the money going towards her rent, groceries, bills, and their joint holiday fund.

Kim, who has amassed over 56,800 likes on TikTok for her savvy financial advice, claims she works 18 hours a day across three jobs. She explained in a recent video: "I charge my boyfriend $50 (£38) every time he sleeps over. This is to cover my expenses like rent, groceries, and utilities that I would need to pay."

Recently, when her other half stopped twice at her home last week, Kim pocketed an additional $100 (£76), taking the payments in cash which she pops into a budgeting binder. By banking these contributions, Kim revealed she's saved enough to not only meet her regular expenditure but also treat her man to a surprise Mexican getaway.

She didn't mention whether a reverse charge applies when visiting his abode. Kim's video has prompted a flurry of comments - some viewers praise the idea, while others are baffled by it.

One supporter shared: "Me too girl." Another called the tactic "smart" and a third expressed their admiration with "love this girl math". Yet, not everyone is on board; one sceptic remarked: "Good luck in keeping your boyfriend." Another added: "That's kind of messed up in my opinion."

Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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