Woman dies following incident at Thomas Rigby's pub

Thomas Rigby's in Dale Street, city centre
-Credit:TMC PLC

A woman has died following an incident at a city centre pub. North West Ambulance Service confirmed they were called to Thomas Rigby's pub on Dale Street at 6.17pm on Saturday, January 25.

Two ambulance crews and an advanced paramedic attended the scene and the patient was taken to hospital. It is understood the woman later died in hospital on Tuesday, January 28.

A spokesperson for Market Town Taverns, which owns the Thomas Rigby's, confirmed staff called the ambulance service and performed CPR until paramedics arrived. The pub company shared their "deepest sympathy" to the woman's family and friends.


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In a statement sent to the ECHO, the spokesperson said: "On learning of the situation, our staff immediately called the ambulance and performed CPR until medics arrived. We were saddened to learn that the lady later died in hospital and all our staff send their condolences and deepest sympathy to her family and friends."

Merseyside police referred the Echo to the North West Ambulance Service.

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