Woman got on a plane to America after what she saw on her phone
A woman spent weeks in America after being “shocked” by what she saw on her phone. Layla Wright, from South Liverpool, was on Bold Street when the 27-year-old said her algorithm became flooded with women posting content which completely went against the beliefs she grew up with here in the city.
Layla, a former Radio City journalist and now a documentary filmmaker, told the ECHO: “I wanted to meet the women that had suddenly taken over my social media feeds - girls my age with huge online platforms who seemed nostalgic for an era where women had less rights.
“I first saw them on Instagram, where they were promoting this traditional lifestyle, wearing 1950s aprons and saying how we needed to be homemakers and abandon the girl-boss culture. I just thought ‘What is this?’ and the videos just kept coming to me and the views were getting more extreme.”
With this in mind, Layla, who works at Louis Theroux’s Mindhouse Productions, travelled to the States to meet the new wave of women who were championing these extreme views on communities such as immigrants and LGBTQ+.
Over the course of a number of weeks, and against the backdrop of the presidential election, Layla immersed herself with the ultra-conservative influencers who see themselves as on the “frontline of a war against progressive politics.”
What she learned while staying in the likes of Nashville and between the Arizona and Mexico border, Layla said she won’t be forgetting anytime soon.
She said: “My time at the border will stay with me for a long time. We had a character called Christie and her main focus was mass immigration and clamping down on that. She wasn’t happy with it at all and she believed global elites were bringing immigrants into America to destabilise it from the inside.
“She believed this theory so much she’d go to the border and she would live stream it to her followers - using people on the other side of the border as the backdrop. That really stuck with me because it showed the power of what happens on social media when views are allowed to run wild.
“It surprised me just how unapologetically controversial these women were and despite living just a plane ride away, the views they promoted seemed worlds apart from me and my friends back home.” Layla Wright’s ‘America’s New Female Right’ is available to watch on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer from Monday, September 2.