Woman shares how many steps she walked a day to slim down in just 13 months

Woman walking outside wearing fitness clothing and carrying water bottle (stock photo)
-Credit:Patrik Giardino via Getty Images

A woman who has had an amazing weight loss transformation has shared how many steps she walked a day to slim down in 13 months.

Ceállach Bennett, a beauty, lifestyle and fitness content creator from Liverpool, posted a snap on X showing two photos of herself side-by-side in the same place and same outfit but 13 months later. The two photos illustrate how much weight she lost during this time period.

She captioned the X post: “Same place, same outfit, 13 months apart.” The post, shared on January 19, has already racked up 18.3 million views, 468,000 likes and 6,200 comments.

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One person in the comment section accused her of taking a weight loss injection as they said: “You been taking the injection. Stop the cap. How can u lose such amount of weight without muscle shape.”

Ceállach hit back: “So wrong. I walk 10-12k steps a day and work out 4x a week with a mix of running, Pilates and swimming, and just recently added on doing workouts with weights.

“I completely transformed my lifestyle and eating habits. I'm proud of myself and won’t let my hard work be dismissed.”

The majority of comments were positive, however, as an X user said: “Wow that’s crazy progress. Congrats! I need to get like you.” Another added: “Congrats! I lost a lot as well and I know how tough it is.” A third chimed in: “Great job! Hard work and determination leads to anything!”


Further commenters said “That's a great transformation”, “Impressive results in just 13 months” and "Amazing work.”

It is a common idea among those warning to lose weight that you should walk 10,000 steps a day but the NHS encourages brisk walking. On its website it says: “Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.

“Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.

“You do not have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly exercise, as recommended in the physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64.”

Ceállach also took to TikTok to share some tips on how she shifted the weight. In the video she said: “So my first tip when it comes to food if you want to do a healthy lifestyle change is don’t go on a diet. Just don’t have the mindset that you are doing this short term diet so that you can lose loads of weight and then like that’s it.


“Remember this is a lifestyle change, we’re being healthier, we’re making sustainable different habits, sustainable healthier choices. I personally was able to lose a good amount of weight very healthily while still eating all the food that I wanted to eat.”

The next tip Ceállach gave is to make a list of all the meals you enjoy eating that you can cook at home. She added: “Make a list of them in your phone notes and make a list as well of all the ingredients that you need to be able to cook that food.

“If you’re anything like me and you’re prone to getting a takeaway when you’re just like ‘oh I’ve got nothing in’ you have always got a list of meals that you like that you can refer back to and go ‘actually, I fancy that tonight and I’ve got the stuff in for it.’