Women on Basic State Pension urged to check for back payments from DWP

The charity Independent Age has launched a new State Pension factsheet providing essential information for older people already claiming the contributory benefit worth up to £221.20 each week, or those nearing the official age of retirement. The helpful guide covers everything you need to know about the payments, including the difference between the New and Basic, when to claim it, deferring, how the amount is calculated and when you might need to pay tax.

However, it also takes a look at historical underpayments and urges those on the Basic State Pension who may have been due National Insurance (NI) ‘top-ups’ to contact the Pension Service to ask them to recalculate their State Pension if they think it might be wrong.

A recent survey carried out by Independent Age found that 41 per cent of people aged 50 and over were anxious about their finances after retirement. Almost half said that they didn’t have much knowledge of what financial options, including the State Pension, would be available to them once they retired.

Independent Age guidance states: “If you qualify for basic State Pension and can claim State Pension ‘top-ups’, these are usually calculated for you. But some people - particularly women who paid reduced NI rates - may have had their State Pension miscalculated and underpaid.

“If you think this affects you, contact the Pension Service to ask them to recalculate your State Pension. You can do this whether you’re claiming or delaying your State Pension. You can also contact our helpline to arrange to speak to an adviser.”

The full State Pension help guide can be found on the Independent Age website here. You can also call them directly on 0800 319 6789.

State Pension underpayments

Up to March 31, 2024, the DWP has paid arrears of £1.12 billion through the LEAP exercise and £2.2 million through the HRP corrections exercise.

The latest DWP figures show that between January 11, 2021 and March 31, 2024 some 99,558 people over State Pension age - mostly women - have received back payments averaging £2,196, £5,693 and £12,423, depending on their pension category as part of the LEAP exercise.

This includes married women and people in a civil partnership (category BL), widows and those over 80 (category D). The DWP also confirmed that categories BL and D case reviews were completed by the end of 2023, with corrections and backdated payments due to be made before the end of this year.

Current estimates of the total arrears due through the LEAP exercise is £970 million to 133,000 pensioners and recognised a provision of £369 million, reflecting the outstanding amounts it still expects to repay.

Last year it was estimated that DWP underpaid £1.17 billion to 170,000 pensioners, the final total value of the underpayments will only be confirmed by the completion of the exercise.

DWP estimates that the number of people impacted by missing HRP State Pension arrears is around 194,000. Between January 8, 2024 and the end of March 2024, HMRC has corrected records which has led to the identification of 274 underpayments, with payments made totalling around £2.2 million.

There are three broad categories of State Pension underpayments:

  • Cases covered by the State Pension Underpayments (LEAP) exercise

  • Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) cases where HRP has not been recorded accurately on National Insurance records

  • Cases where National Insurance credits need to be updated for people who were claiming Universal Credit.

Below is an overview of the State Pension underpayment progress including the average arrears amounts.

State Pension Underpayments - LEAP exercise

The State Pension LEAP is the DWP’s largest underpayment correction exercise in progress. It has been established to identify where State Pension underpayments may have occurred in respect of the following groups of people:

  • Category BL (Cat BL) - People who are married or in a civil partnership who reached State Pension age before April 6, 2016 and should be entitled to a Category BL uplift based on their partner’s National Insurance contributions.

  • Missed conversions - People who have been widowed and their State Pension was not increased to include any amounts they are entitled to inherit from their late husband, wife or civil partner.

  • Category D (Cat D) - People who reach age 80 and who are getting some Basic State Pension but less than the £85.00 (in 2022-23) and may therefore, subject to satisfying the appropriate residency conditions, be entitled to Cat D State Pension of £101.55 a week (2024/25 weekly rate).

State Pension underpayment progress - March 2024

The number of cases reviewed, arrears identified and payments made between January 2021 and March 2024 are listed below.

Married (Cat BL)

  • Cases reviewed: 318,693

  • Underpayments identified: 43,825

  • Average arrears payment: £5,693

  • Total amount repaid: £245,535,772

Widowed (Cat B)

  • Cases reviewed: 323,075

  • Underpayments identified: 22,964

  • Average arrears payment: £12,423

  • Total amount repaid: £281,796,561

Over 80 (Cat D)

  • Cases reviewed: 89,949

  • Underpayments identified: 32,769

  • Average arrears payment: £2,196

  • Total amount repaid: £66,693,817

State Pension underpayments - Home Responsibilities Protection

The DWP estimates it underpaid between £300 million and £1.5 billion of State Pension because of errors with the recording of HRP.

HMRC started writing to thousands of older people in September 2023 who may have been underpaid their State Pension due to missing information on their National Insurance (NI) record. The issue affects mostly women in their 60s and 70s who may have HRP missing from their NI record.

HRP was a scheme designed to help protect parents’ and carers’ entitlement to the State Pension and was replaced by NI credits from April 6, 2010. HMRC is using NI records to identify as many people as possible who might have been entitled to HRP between 1978 and 2010 and have no HRP on their NI record.

After May 2000, it became mandatory to include a NI number on claims so people claiming after this point will not have been affected. It is estimated tens of thousands of people are due an average of £5,000 in back payments.

HRP underpayments - March 2024

  • Cases reviewed: 419 of 194,000

  • Total amount repaid: £2.2m

Personal representatives are able to claim on behalf of deceased customers. For more information on eligibility and how to claim, visit the dedicated HRP page on GOV.UK here.

Senior woman has financial problems. Counting money, monthly pension, don’t have enough money for paying bills.
Historical State Pension errors mostly affect women who can ask the DWP to recalculate their payments. -Credit:Getty

State Pension National Insurance Credits

Some people who received Universal Credit may not have had their National Insurance Credits correctly attributed to their National Insurance record held by HMRC which could affect their State Pension.

National Insurance records are maintained by HMRC based on information from employers through PAYE, Self-Assessment tax returns from the self-employed and information provided by DWP on benefit receipt where that creates a National Insurance credit.

Between 2017-18 and 2022-23 information about Universal Credit entitlements could not be processed by the National Insurance Recording System. National Insurance credits can affect the value of a State Pension award, so there was a risk some people who had claimed Universal Credit and subsequently reached State Pension age may have been underpaid.

During this period the DWP put in place a manual system with HMRC to update an individual’s National Insurance record where they felt they qualified for National Insurance credits in respect of time on Universal Credit.

With the issues now resolved between the DWP and HMRC systems, claims data relating to the affected years can now be successfully processed by HMRC. When these records are updated information will be sent to the DWP who will then correct any State Pension awards that are affected.

How to check if you are affected or make a claim

There are nearly 12.7 million people across Great Britain claiming State Pension, including more than one million in Scotland. Of that overall total, 9.7 million are in receipt of the Basic State Pension and 2.9 million on the New State Pension.

The Basic State Pension is worth up to £169.50 each week and the New State Pension up to £221.20.

A phone call to the Pension Service is the quickest way to find out if you have been underpaid your State Pension. The best number to call is 0800 731 0469, lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday - full contact details can be found on the GOV.UK website here.