XL Bully dog owner held zombie knives to terrified animals and threatened to stab them

Craig Montague
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

A pet owner who pulled a lethal zombie knife on two XL Bully dogs has been locked up and warned he faces a prison sentence.

One of the fearsome dogs was so terrified by Craig Montague that it wet itself, while the other had the knife pushed against its body.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told that Montague flew into a rage after being told by his sister that his dogs needed picked up because they were chewing her furniture.

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He turned up at her home with two knives - including the zombie knife he called ZK and kept sheathed in a holder which he had strapped across his chest.


Montague shouted at one of the dogs: "See you, you fat c***" before pulling out the knife in front of his sister while she was on the phone to another sibling.

Sheriff Tim Niven-Smith was told Montague had a list of previous convictions and had previously spent time in prison for a number of offences. He remanded Montague pending pre-sentence background reports and told him he would be given a jail sentence.

Stock GV of Dundee Sheriff Court.
Montague appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Montague, 31, from Dundee, admitted behaving in a threatening manner in Forth Crescent, Dundee, on 2 May last year by shouting, swearing and uttering threats of violence.

He admitted brandishing a knife and pressing it against the body of a dog called Nova, as well as threatening to stab a dog called Kilo on the head and body. He admitted a second charge of having two knives.

Fiscal depute Joanne Ritchie told the court: "He was subject to a community payback order at the time of this incident. The accused owns the two XL Bully type dogs, Kilo and Nova.


"His sister got a message to say he was pulling up to collect his dogs. She had messaged to say he should collect them as they were chewing her furniture," Ms Ritchie said.

"She said he seemed passive aggressive and did not seem happy with her. He walked up the hallway past the bedroom, where Nova was lying on the bed. He went into the bedroom and shouted at Nova: 'See you, you fat c***.'

"He pulled out a large zombie knife and had a black case strapped to his chest. This was witnessed by the accused's other sister, who was on a video call.

"Once the accused took the knife out he pursued Nova onto the bed and pressed the knife blade side down on her body. Roxanne Montague shouted at the accused to get out of the room.

"The accused stood up and got off the bed. He made his way into the hallway and asked where Kilo was. Roxanne Montague tried to walk towards the bathroom where Kilo was to protect him after witnessing what he did to Nova.


"She got in front and blocked his path with her body. Kilo was so frightened he started urinating and shaking. The accused was still shouting aggressively and made a threat to stab Kilo.

"Roxanne pushed the accused to get him away from Kilo and walked him out of the bathroom. Kilo followed her. The accused shouted abuse at his sister.

"She screamed at the accused, telling him to get out of the house. He left with both dogs and in possession of the knife. Multiple police units attended the area.

"Three officers were driving past when they spotted the accused on a footpath with the two dogs. He was placed in handcuffs. His bag for life was searched and they found a kitchen knife and the zombie knife." The dogs were seized by police.

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