You're Probably Using Your Electric Toothbrush All Wrong

Photo credit: Lilly Bloom - Getty Images
Photo credit: Lilly Bloom - Getty Images

Did you know that you don't have to "brush" with an electric toothbrush? According to dentist Suhail Mohiuddin, D.D.S., better known as Dr. M on TikTok, you should let your electric toothbrush do all of the work for you. Dr. Mohiuddin shows you the proper way to use your electric toothbrush in a TikTok video, garnering over 100,000 views.

There are three steps to properly using an electric toothbrush. First, place the toothbrush against your teeth using mild pressure (Dr. Mohiuddin is seen using a Phillips DiamondClean Sonic Toothbrush. Next, angle the toothbrush towards your gum line. Lastly move your toothbrush from tooth to tooth every three seconds, according to Dr. Mohiuddin, for a good, safe teeth cleaning that won't damage your teeth or gum line

Why would you not use a brushing motion with an electric toothbrush? The motion of an electric toothbrush helps scrub every inch of your teeth, Beverly Hills periodontist Sanda Moldovan, D.D.S. previously told Men's Health.

Using an electric toothbrush can cut down on plaque, way better than a manual toothbrush when used properly. According to a meta-analysis from Cochrane Library, brushing with a powered toothbrush can reduce plaque, a sticky buildup on your teeth that can lead to decay and cavities, up to 21 percent.

If you brush incorrectly with an electric toothbrush, you're definitely putting you teeth at risk. Electric toothbrushes are more likely to wear down your dentin—the tissue directly below the tooth’s enamel, which can cause tooth sensitivity and increase your risk of cavities, according to a 2017 study in PLOS One.

In short, be gentle and let your electric toothbrush do all the work. Your teeth and gums will thank you.

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