Murder victim Ellis Cox came from a 'lovely family' with 'well brought up kids'

Police cordon on Grace Road
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

A family friend of Ellis Cox has said the community is in "total shock" over the murder of the "well brought up" 19-year-old.

Police were called to the Liver Industrial Estate, close to Taskers, just after 11.10pm on Sunday, June 23 following a report from paramedics, who were treating a man at the scene.

When officers arrived, they discovered the man - named yesterday as Ellis Cox, a former pupil at Archbishop Beck Catholic College - had been shot. He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

READ MORE: Police issue update on ‘the Ralla’ closure after Ellis Cox shot dead

READ MORE: Ellis Cox’s former college release statement after he was shot dead

On Walton Vale, close to where Ellis lived with his family on Grace Road, people remain deeply distressed over what happened.

One mum, a longtime resident of Walton who knows the Cox family personally, told the ECHO: "I just couldn't believe when I heard. None of the family has ever been in trouble. They're not like that. Everybody round here is devastated by what happened."

She added: "They're a lovely family with really well brought up kids. I knew his mum when we were growing up."

The woman said she found the level of violence on the streets "scary", adding: "Using guns has sort of become normalised. It's shocking and scary. It just seems to be getting worse year after year."

Her views were echoed by a number of other neighbours. One man said: "It's a no-win battle isn't it? Police don't seem to be able to do anything."

Another added: "Why are kids fighting using knives and guns now? You hear about 14, 15 year olds being stabbed at bus stops. It's terrifying."

Earlier today, Archbishop Beck Catholic College released a statement paying tribute to the "popular" former pupil. The college told the ECHO: "The whole college community are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of Ellis.

"Ellis was a popular boy within our college community, who was very personable. He had a warm sense of humour and was respected by fellow students and staff. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to his family at this tragic and testing time."

Merseyside Police remain at the scene of the shooting with a cordon in place and several police officers. A mobile police station is also there and blue tarpaulin can be seen near the Liverpool Loop Line entrance.

High visibility patrols have increased in the area with forensic examinations and CCTV enquiries continuing. Head of the investigation Mark Baker said: "This was an appalling and tragic incident in which a young man has lost his life, and our thoughts first and foremost are with his family, who are trying to come to terms with his loss.

“I would appeal to anyone who may have seen him to come forward as their information could be vital. Whilst this happened on an industrial estate, there are residential homes nearby and I would urge anyone who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area, or who heard anything, to come forward so we can give his family answers and bring his killer or killers to justice.

“I would appeal to any motorists who may have captured footage on their dashcam to come forward even if it appears to be innocuous.

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