Tom Burke

  • EntertainmentYahoo Celebrity UK

    'The Lazarus Project' review: Time loop thriller is a propulsive piece of drama

    Sky's The Lazarus Project is an espionage drama about starting over.

    4-min read
  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers: We Are The Garrison. Always.

    Sure enough, the Muskies are attacked - bombs through the tavern windows and then the garrison itself is blown up - where Constance and Brujon went a few minutes earlier. This show does love to put its fans through the most unimaginable pain - we think we’ve lost both d’Artagnan and Constance, as being the hero he is, he rushes into the burning building to save his wife, only for another explosion to rip our hearts apart. Aramis seems to think not and we can’t handle this any longer … until fi

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers: The one where they broke our hearts. Twice. *Spoilers*

    Treville - named Regent by the dying King - confirms what we’ve all known through all three series: He’s badass but importantly, damn clever with it. The opening credits haven’t even rolled when Louis succumbs to his illness, the light hearted banter with Treville and d’Artagnan making way for the Queen’s grief and a four poster bed in the middle of the Louvre. Treville leaps into action though, entrusting Athos with the safety of the new King, much to the Queen’s distress - she doesn’t know w

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers Guide to Parenting *Spoilers*

    Don’t try this at home, says the announcer, as Aramis takes aim and fires at a glass of wine atop a man’s head. My first thought was ‘they’re gambling again’ but no - it’s Grimaud’s man they have and it’s the Musketeers preferred form of torture. Hard then, but also incredibly stupid, as Aramis throws the apple in the air and Cadet Brujon shoots it to pieces.

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers: Even death has a heart *Spoilers*

    Foreboding was instilled right from the start, as Feron’s enigmatic voice over talks of death, showing Aramis, d’Artagnan and Athos all seemingly in grave peril. This was just a tease though, as Aramis is merely proving his prowess with a musket blindfolded, d’Artagnan is soaking in the bath - with Constance wielding the cut throat razor - and Athos, playing S&M games with Sylvie, tied to a beam, shirtless.

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers: The spy who broke in for the gold *Spoilers*

    This time, it’s a prison riot he sends them into - one he has no wish to actually control, since he’s in cahoots with (who else) Feron and Grimaud to steal the King’s gold to fund an army for Gaston. “This is all about you” Grimaud tells lock designer Joubert, the one man who hasn’t bothered to break out, and shows him his wife’s locket so he does as he’s told. Treville is far too honest for his own good, leaving incriminating letters against Feron lying around for the King to discover, which

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    The Musketeers: Stands and delivers *Spoilers*

    The Queen of England’s crown jewels had been stolen by a dandy highwayman, and her brother, King Louis, has no hesitation in calling in the Musketeers. This episode was pure joy - funny, almost slapstick in places, with Callis plundering the Captain Jack Sparrow ministry of how to run hilariously. With most of the best lines, he kindly forgives the Musketeers and eventually lets on that he never made it to Spain.

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