Bad News: Spiders Are Getting Bigger Than EVER - And They’re Heading Into Homes

If you are terrified by the sight of a spider running across your carpet then the news that they are getting bigger will probably not go down too well.

Sadly, it’s something you will probably have to get used to as the bout of warm and wet weather we’ve had this summer has supersized the critters.

And as the warm weather starts to turn cooler, you can expect to see them venturing into your homes.

Residents in Nottinghamshire are already feeling it, with some people finding five spiders roaming their houses every DAY.

Nicola Edwards told the Nottingham Post that her house had been “over-run” by spiders.

She said: “I’ve been getting at least five spiders a day in my house.

"And they’re all big ones – some of them with really long legs.

"There’s been a big one in my kitchen cupboard and the other day I opened the door and saw all these baby ones as well.

"I’m absolutely petrified of spiders, so I’m dreading the next few months.”

Another local, Lydia Sansome, found her one-year-old daughter holding a huge spider as she was making breakfast for her.

Spiders tend to venture into homes around autumn every year, but the ever-changing weather has seen them come in earlier than usual this year.

Dr Chris Terrell-Nield, of Nottingham Trent University, said the confused spiders believed it was later in the year than it actually is.

He said: "The size of the spiders is also down to the wet weather.

"The insects, which they feed on, tend to like moist weather, so there’s plenty of food around for the spiders.

“The size of a spider is determined by how well it’s fed.”

And the dreaded house spider - the common and already-huge species that run across floors - are on the lookout for mates.

House spiders can grow to around 12cm - so you won’t miss them if they’re inside.

Arachnophobes can take steps to avoid seeing too many spiders this year, however.

Regular cleaning will rid your home of dust and webs which can attract other spiders, while the use of peppermint oil spray can also ward them off as they detest the smell.

Let’s hope that is definitely true this year…