Gay Marriage: Commons Passes Government Bill

Gay Marriage: Commons Passes Government Bill

Plans to legalise same-sex marriage in England and Wales have cleared the House of Commons with a majority of 205.

The Government's controversial Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill has had its third reading in the Commons and will now go to the House of Lords.

The vote was 366 in favour and 161 against.

Sky's Chief Political Correspondent Jon Craig said: "Early indications are that there were about 136 Tory MPs voting against, and only 123 in favour."

He added that a "right old battle" was in store in the House of Lords.

As the House voted, a woman was detained by police after trying to drive through the main gates of Parliament.

The red Volkswagen came a few metres onto the parliamentary estate at the Carriage Gates before being halted by a security ramp.

Witnesses said the driver demanded to see an MP as she was wrestled out of the vehicle by officers.

The bill was saved on Monday night after a Tory backbencher attempted to derail it.

An amendment which supporters warned could scupper the legislation altogether was easily defeated after the Government reached an agreement with Labour.

Some 56 Conservative backbenchers - half the number predicted - backed a move to extend civil partnerships to heterosexual couples.