Lib Dem Vow To Help 'Clipped Wing Generation'

Lib Dem Vow To Help 'Clipped Wing Generation'

Nick Clegg has announced a new scheme aimed at helping young people who would like to leave home but are struggling to find the money to get into the private rental sector.

The Help To Rent scheme would provide a deposit to young people who are in full-time employment in the form of a government-backed loan.

The Lib Dems believe there would be a very significant take-up of the loans of up to £1,500 for those outside London, or £2,000 in London.

The party points to statistics indicating that as many as two million young working people continue to live with their parents - the "clipped-wing generation", as it is sometimes described.

They believe that finding the money for a deposit can be a significant barrier for young people who would prefer to rent a place of their own.

The announcement follows hard on the heels of another Lib Dem plan entitled Rent To Own, set out at the party's spring conference in early March, which is aimed at helping young people who would prefer to own their own home rather than just rent.

The Lib Dems believe that there are significant barriers to young people within the housing sector, and are hoping to help unblock them with such initiatives.

With the election in mind, it is important to recognise that the appeal of such schemes is not confined simply to the younger voters who might be able to take advantage of them.

Many parents and grandparents are themselves frustrated by the difficulties their children or grandchildren face, and help for one generation might reap electoral dividends from others as well.

The Lib Dems are well aware that, as much as young people are keen to be able to get their own place, so too their parents might be grateful for a helping hand from government to get them out of the door.