Nik Wallenda: Daredevil's No-Harness Stunt

World record breaking tightrope walker Nik Wallenda wowed onlookers as he climbed 200ft for his latest stunt - without a safety harness.

The famed daredevil completed a high-wire walk over a busy road in his hometown in Florida.

He is a circus performer and six-time Guinness world record holder ... but the challenge, which stretched over route US-41 in Sarasota, no mean feat.

Battling strong winds, it took Wallenda about 15 minutes to trek from Bayfront Park to the Marina Tower.

Wallenda has been doing stunts like this for years but he really hit the big time when he crossed Niagara's Horseshoe Falls last year. For that challenge, 190ft above the raging torrent of water, he wore a safety harness.

The 34-year-old is from a long line of acrobats known as the Flying Wallendas. His great-grandfather died during a stunt in Puerto Rico in 1978.