Reddit Users Club Together To Make Sure Pregnant Stranger Has Brilliant Baby Shower

There really are many incredible people in the world...

The response from a message posted to Reddit’s Random Kindness forum has proved just how many wonderful human beings there are in the world.

The post detailed the story of Bailey Bealefied, an expectant mum who sadly found out that “no one RSVP’d for her baby shower”. The mum-to-be hadn’t been bought a single one of gifts on her Walmart registry for the event, either.

Just some of the gifts sent by Reddit users. [Imgur]
Just some of the gifts sent by Reddit users. [Imgur]

But the Reddit community came through in a big way as the post began to gain attention and users requested that an Amazon registry be built, so that they could help make the celebration a success.

Once active, numerous strangers gifted the woman with baby buys and in no time at all, UPS trucks bursting with gifts arrived on her doorstop for the shower.

“Read this status to my pregnant wife. She is 32 weeks. We went on Amazon and got your friend the swaddle. My wife would love for you to let her know that it’s from one mum to be to another. Lots of love from Australia,” one user wrote.

“I’m excited to show you that people care,” another commented.

Bailey looked thrilled with all of her gear. [Imgur]
Bailey looked thrilled with all of her gear. [Imgur]

Bailey at her baby shower. [Imgur]
Bailey at her baby shower. [Imgur]

One Redditer even asked for the woman’s address so that she could send a handmade crochet stuffed animal for the baby.   

A follow-up post from the account, which posted the plea for help, revealed that the baby shower turned out to be a “beautiful day” and noted that “their entire family is extremely grateful and moved for what you’ve all done.”

Just a small selection of the items Bailey was sent. [Imgur]
Just a small selection of the items Bailey was sent. [Imgur]

The Reddit user described Bailey’s reaction when she saw all of the girls, explaining that the kindness from people worldwide drove her to tears. “With each bag of gifts & box of diapers she would bounce up in down, half smiling, half crying.

“We told her that the gifts came from all over the world and read her some of the tags (Shout out to Australia, Belguim, Canada, Finland, Netherlands and the UK!). As we read each wonderful thing that you glorious people wrote on the delivery slips her mom was shaking her head in disbelief saying, ‘There are good people out there!’ Bailey said, ‘I've never felt so good in my life, my baby is going to be taken care of...’”

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