The Trick To Keeping Your Child In Bed Longer

One mum has figured out a way to encourage children to stay in bed longer – allowing you to get a little more sleep

When you’re a parent, figuring out a way to get an extra couple of minutes sleep at the weekend is the ultimate dream.

And it could be possible with this method.


One mum, Kara, has shared her magic solution on, explaining how she successfully coaxed her son into staying into bed for longer each morning.

It’s a pretty simple concept, she explains. But it can take a while for your tot to get into the swing of.

Here’s the step-by-step guide:

1. Buy an inexpensive alarm clock.


2. Make little number tags out of a folded index card.

3. Before putting your child to bed, put the number of the time you want your child to get up beside the clock.

4. Tell your child he can only get out of bed when the numbers on the clock matches the numbers on the card.


Depending on the age of your child this may take some time, Kara explains. “For the first three weeks, my son was always getting out too early,” she says. “I would walk him back to the room and take him to the clock and asked if his numbers matched.

“He would recognise the numbers weren’t the same and get back in bed (the first week there may have been tears when he got back in bed, but after that he was tear-free!).”


After three weeks, Kara’s son got the hand of it. “We would hear him screaming with joy, ‘My numbers match, my numbers match’,” she says.

“We’ve started to see a trend of sleeping in just a little bit more. No more 5 o’clock wakings because he wants to play with his toys. Not only does this keep him safe but it keeps the house quiet for the rest of the sleeping family.”


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