‘Face Of God’ Appears In Rocks On The Surface Of Mars

Either that, or it's a pile of rubble

The face of God
The face of God

The face of an ancient god of wisdom has been sighted in footage sent back by NASA’s Mars Opportunity Rover, sending UFO fans into a frenzy.

Is this Nabu, an ancient Assyrian God of wisdom, sighted in Conception Crater?

Or is it just another unusually shaped rock?

The tireless alien-watchers at UFO Sightings Daily note that the figure has a resemblance to ancient Babylonian carvings.

Previously, UFO Sightings Daily have spotted a crab monster, a sinister woman, a polar bear and a crashed drone on Mars.

Scott C Waring of UFO Sightings Daily said, ‘Found these faces on Mars side by side. One is looking towards us and the other is looking to the left. The face looking at us has a lot of similarities to the ancient Mesopotamia faces.

‘They were made. They existed once long ago in our solar system. Right next to our planet. They were born, they lived and they died. They don't need you to believe or not. They are gone.