‘John Lennon Met Aliens - And They Left A Weird Egg With Him,’ Uri Geller claims

The tiny metal egg still hasn’t hatched

John Lennon (Picture Rex)
John Lennon (Picture Rex)

Strange insect-like creatures visited John Lennon in his apartment - and left a weird, metal egg.

The sinister object still hasn’t hatched.

At least that’s what Uri Geller claims, in a first-person piece quoted by Neon Nettle.

Geller claims that the star told him that he was visited by ‘bug-like’ creatures - and swore that he had not taken any LSD that evening.

Lennon said (as quoted by Gelller): ‘I wasn’t dreaming and I wasn’t tripping. There were these creatures, like people but not like people, in my apartment.

‘They didn’t want my autograph.  They were, like, little. Bug-like. Big bug eyes and little bug mouths and they were scuttling at me like roaches.’

Geller claims that Yoko Ono refused to be believe Lennon - but that the creatures controlled him with telepathy, and left a weird metal egg.

Lennon said, ‘I’ve been carrying it round ever since, wanting to ask somebody the same question. You have it. Maybe you’ll know.’

Geller still owns the egg.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual says, ‘We mainly have Geller’s word for his ’egg’ encounter and even May Pang who was one of Lennon’s closest associates at that time is skeptical of this story.   

‘After watching a TV interview with Uri Geller during which he spoke about Lennon’s alien egg, a Danish viewer, Dann Simonsen, realized he owned a similar object. It was purchased from a souvenir shop in the late 1960s. These super-ellipsoid eggs were created by Danish scientist/artist Piet Hein (1905-1996). Simonsen thinks that Lennon probably obtained the egg when he and Yoko visited Norden Fjord World University, Skyum Bjerge, Denmark, during the Christmas holidays in 1969.

‘Lennon was not adverse to surreal streaks of humor and could well have played upon Geller’s gullibility in this matter. You would have thought that even a believer in the story would have got the object tested or examined to see if it showed any signs of extraterrestrial origin, but Geller explained that he has never had it tested because ’I want to leave the mysticism around it’.