10,000 People Have Signed A Petition To Change The Australian Currency To ‘Dollarydoos’


We owe The Simpsons a lot - the concept of the make-up gun, loafers of former gophers, Lionel Hutz - but soon Australians could be thanking the show for their currency.

Nearly 10,000 people have signed a petition to have the Australian Dollar renamed the ‘Dollarydoos’ after the episode Bart Versus Australia.

There’s some pretty sound reasoning behind the suggestion, as outlined on the petition page:

“Due to global commodity prices plummeting, the Australian economy is struggling. That’s why we need something to stimulate the Australian economy and that something is changing the name of the Australian currency to ‘Dollarydoos’.

“This will make millions of people around the world want to get their hands on some Australian currency due to the real life Simpsons reference, driving up the value of the Australian currency.”

One Twitter user made a particularly good point about Australian vernacular:

The Australian Government has yet to respond, but hopefully when it does it will be an invitation to a round of Knifey Spoony.