14 celebrities who transformed themselves into famous figures for movies

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Queen Elizabeth II in 1997 and Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth II.THOMAS COEX/AFP/Getty Images and Pathé Distribution
  • Some actors have portrayed powerful leaders, like Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher.

  • Others, like Robert Downey Jr., took on the roles of famous artists like Charlie Chaplin.

  • Eddie Redmayne gave an Oscar-winning performance as physicist Stephen Hawking.

Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln.

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Daniel Day-Lewis (left) won multiple awards for his portrayal of the former president (right).Disney

Daniel Day-Lewis was so convincing as 16th US president in "Lincoln" (2012) that the role earned him an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a SAG Award.

Denzel Washington captured the passion of human-rights activist Malcolm X.

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Denzel Washington (left) captivated audiences as Malcolm X (right).Warner Bros.

Denzel Washington's complex portrayal of the titular character in the biopic "Malcolm X" (1992) earned him nominations for an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Ben Kingsley really looked like peaceful activist Mahatma Gandhi.

Ben Kingsley (left) won an Oscar for his role as Mahatma Gandhi (right).Columbia Pictures

The slain, peaceful activist Mahatma Gandhi was honored in "Gandhi" (1982).

The film, directed by Richard Attenborough, won eight Oscars, including best actor for Ben Kingsley and best picture.

Salma Hayek portrayed the iconic Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

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Salma Hayek (left) closely resembled the famous artist (right).Miramax

Salma Hayek looked every bit the part of the famous artist in the biopic "Frida" (2002).

Hayek was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe for her performance in the film, which centers on Frida Kahlo's rocky relationship with fellow artist Diego Rivera.

Robert Downey Jr. channeled the whimsical spirit of actor Charlie Chaplin.

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Robert Downey Jr. (left) portrayed the famous actor Charlie Chaplin (right).TriStar Pictures

Robert Downey Jr. was lauded for his whimsical portrayal of the famous silent-film actor in "Chaplin" (1992). However, the biopic didn't receive overwhelmingly positive reviews.

Meryl Streep won an Oscar for her performance as Margaret Thatcher.

Meryl Streep Margaret Thatcher
Meryl Streep (left) won an Oscar for her performance as Margaret Thatcher (right).Weinstein Co.; AP

In "The Iron Lady" (2012), an aging Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of Great Britain, recounts her life in politics.

Meryl Streep won her third Oscar for her portrayal of the role. But despite Streep's award-winning performance, the film wasn't rated highly by critics.

Sean Penn gave a powerful performance as Harvey Milk.

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Sean Penn (left) portrayed the San Francisco politician Harvey Milk (right).Focus Features

Sean Penn starred as Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office in California in "Milk" (2008). The film centers on Harvey Milk's civil rights activism and leadership in San Francisco up to his tragic death.

Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking.

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Eddie Redmayne (left) received an Oscar for his performance as Stephen Hawking (right).Focus Features/"The Theory Of Everything" Trailer

Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for playing British physicist Stephen Hawking in the film "The Theory of Everything" (2014).

He was praised for his realistic portrayal of Hawking's battle with ALS, a disease that attacks the cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Hilary Swank portrayed the legendary female pilot Amelia Earhart.

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Hilary Swank (left) played the famous pilot Amelia Earhart (right) in "Amelia."Fox Searchlight Pictures

Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor starred alongside Hilary Swank as she took on the role of the pioneering female pilot in "Amelia" (2009).

The film follows Amelia Earhart's famous attempt to fly around the world — the trip that ultimately led to her disappearance.

The film didn't receive high reviews, but the resemblance between Earhart and Swank in the film was pretty spot-on.

Helen Mirren got the chance to be royal as Queen Elizabeth II.

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Helen Mirren (left) won an Oscar for her performance as Queen Elizabeth II (right).Miramax Films; Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Audiences got to know Queen Elizabeth II a bit better thanks to Helen Mirren's Oscar-winning portrayal of the late monarch in "The Queen" (2006).

Nicole Kidman transformed into Lucille Ball.

nicole kidman as lucille ball in being the ricardos and a photo of lucille ball
Nicole Kidman portrayed Lucille Ball in "Being the Ricardos."Amazon Studios; Evening Standard/Getty Images

In "Being the Ricardos" (2021), Nicole Kidman gave viewers a glimpse behind the scenes at Lucille Ball's personal life as she rose to fame on "I Love Lucy."

Kidman also received an Oscar nomination for her performance.

Kristen Stewart gave an award-nominated performance as Princess Diana.

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Kristen Stewart played Princess Di in "Spencer."Neon; Reuters

Kristen Stewart received an Oscar nomination for best actress for her role as Princess Diana in "Spencer" (2021).

The film takes place over a three-day Christmas celebration at one of the royal family's country estates in 1991, shortly before Princess Diana and Prince Charles separated in 1992.

Austin Butler gave a riveting performance as Elvis Presley.

austin butler as elvis presley in elvis and a photoshoot of elvis
Austin Butler portrayed the musical legend in "Elvis."Warner Bros.; RB/Getty Images

Austin Butler portrayed rock-and-roll legend Elvis Presley's rise to fame in "Elvis" (2022).

The film looks at 20 years of the musician's life, including his difficult relationship with his manager Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks).

Ana de Armas transformed into Marilyn Monroe for an upcoming role.

ana de armas as Marilyn Monroe in "blonde" and a photo of marylin monroe in the same pose
Ana de Armas is playing Marilyn Monroe in "Blonde."Netflix; Bettmann / Contributor

In the upcoming Netflix film "Blonde," Ana de Armas is portraying the rise and fall of iconic actress Marilyn Monroe.

The film is set to premiere on September 28.

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