Our 10 Favorite Episodes of Window Shop, 2023

best window shop episodes car and driver
Our 10 Favorite Episodes of Window Shop, 2023Illustration by Ryan Olbrysh - Car and Driver

Ha, yeah, what? No, we didn't even manage to film 10 episodes of Window Shop in 2023. That was on purpose though, because we wanted every single one to be a carefully planned, sparkling jewel of entertainment that would never, ever be described in the comment section as, "HORRIBLE!! Just dismal in every way!" Oh wait, that wasn't about the show, that was about the Audi Quattro on our Most Significant 1980s Cars episode. Surprisingly, the comments about our silly show where we argue a lot and make rules we don't follow are mostly positive, with viewers voting and suggesting cars for each challenge and only occasionally telling us we can't call it a "weekly" show when we film once a month at best.

Look, guys, we would love to film more often but we're really busy people.

For example, Ramsey has to travel the world doing mysterious work; Joey, KC, and Tony are running a whole-ass automotive empire; Elana bought a Jensen Interceptor so she's buried under English wiring; and Pearley has to brush his hair. So, you can see what we're up against. Will we promise to do better in 2024? Sure! Will we? Likely not, but that shouldn't keep you from suggesting new challenges and leaving your all-caps opinions about '80s Audis in the comment section.

In the meantime, catch up on all you've missed with the 10, er, nine-plus-a-bonus episodes from 2023.

10. Best Winter Beaters, EP115

A great amount of Subaru love. One of our staffers showcases not only ignorance of winter, but also a lack of ad-reading comprehension. Our budget is declared outrageous by the viewers. Not our best work, but the best we could do.

9. The Best Lightning Lap Cars for $40,000, EP109

Blatant self-promotion for our annual Lightning Lap event. Much discussion of fast cars on racetracks. Hardly a topic any Car and Driver readers would have interest in. Not a single snowmobile cab, though, so better than the Winter Beaters episode.

8. Best-Sounding Cars for $50,000, EP116

A bunch of poor sports in this one. Everyone needs to practice making more car sounds and revisit this idea. Pearley's dogs make an appearance, bumping it up in rating.

7. Best Auction Buys, EP113

"Pearley, do you want to blur your background?" As always, starting off strong. Weirdly, although I was in this one, I can't remember what happened, and it's not like I'm going to rewatch it; I've got naps to take. You watch it and tell me if it was any good.

6. Outrageous Auction Results, EP108

Yes, a similar title to Episode 113, but not the same, not exactly the same. See, that one was for auctions we thought were well bought, and this one was for jaw-dropping shock at how much money some people who are not us have. Look, rich people, if you really want to get rid of that tiresome excess cash, may we suggest sponsoring this sure-to-lose-money show idea, Window Shop?

5. The Most Significant 1980s Cars, EP114

Okay, this one might have been kinda good a little bit. There were some fun cars in the choices, and not what you'd expect. Radwood fans and people who liked the '80s before Radwood, this one is for you. Some disagreement about what constitutes "significant," though.

4. Cars with Terrible Names, EP112

Shockingly, amazingly, distressingly, nobody picked Probe, and if you want to know what we did pick, you'll have to watch it. The comments section on this one is excellent. You guys should have your own show. Want this one?

3. The Strangest Car Commercials, EP110

This one is great because there are large sections of it where us loudmouths aren't talking, and instead, Grace Jones is eating a Citroën. Or something. Not sure we ever figured it out.

2. The Best Cars for Starting a YouTube Channel, EP111

In a rare and possibly never before seen occurrence on Window Shop, a good idea is had. If we were smart, we'd have quit making this mess and started up "Will it Dump?" But as anyone who watches this show knows, we are not that smart.

1. The Best from the First 10 Years of 10Best, EP107

This one is a bonus, kinda like telling the restaurant the food is terrible and them giving you a voucher for a free meal. Gee, thanks. Really, this was a 2022 episode, but since we just finished up the 2023 10Best voting, it seemed right to include it here. Or you could just go watch the serious 10Best video, which stars Carlos Lago and is much, much better than any of Window Shop.

See you in 2024, friends. Our New Year's Resolution is to get better, but we'll probably just get worse.

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