10 'fuss-free' plants you can grow quickly, easily and with 'little fuss'

It's widely recognised that gardening can significantly boost your mental wellbeing, offering a breath of fresh air and a break from the hustle and bustle. However, some plants demand a high level of care, potentially adding to your stress levels as you struggle to keep them thriving.

For those new to the world of gardening, there are numerous easy-to-care-for plants available. A seasoned gardener has revealed a selection of the most "fuss-free" flowers that promise to brighten up your garden with little effort, allowing you to relish your outdoor space without fretting over complex pruning or watering rules.

David Domoney's compilation of 10 plants features "fast-growing" shrubs that will swiftly cover any bare spots in your garden and bloom quickly, letting you appreciate their beauty in no time.

On his blog, the horticultural expert advised: "These options are fast-growing and full of colour so there will be minimal waiting time between planting and enjoying their beautiful displays. Plus, many of them are really easy to grow and suit many soil types and positions, so are perfect for beginners.", reports the Mirror.

1. Spirea japonica

Spirea japonica is a bushy shrub that blooms with clusters of pink flowers during the summer months. David described the plant as "fairly fuss-free" making it an ideal choice for city dwellers or coastal residents, as it can tolerate built-up areas and sea breeze.

Able to grow "one metre tall", this deciduous bush introduces a vibrant pop of colour to any garden.

2. Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangeas are celebrated for their bountiful, colourful blooms and frequently feature in many gardens. Despite appearing complex due to their impressive nature, they're fairly low maintenance and thrive best in full sun or partial shade.

A hard cut back in early spring is required, but otherwise, these plants demand little effort to maintain.

3. Ribes sanguineum

David labelled these plants as "fast-growing" with "vibrant flowers" appearing in the spring and summer periods. They are available in several types, showcasing either tubular or bell-shaped blooms, often followed by bright berries.

4. Forsythia

Forsythia is yet another quickly growing shrub, characterized by woody branches and cheerful, sunshine-yellow blossoms in the springtime. Once the blossoms have faded away, the plant develops leaves in the summer.

The expert suggested this plant is excellent for hedging purposes, while also serving as a standout feature to inject intense colour into a garden.

5. Mahonia x media

This plant is renowned for its stunning foliage and aromatic blooms. The bright yellow flowers are a crucial source of pollen and nectar for bumblebees and other essential pollinators in our ecosystem.

Mahonia x media is particularly striking at the back of borders, and thrives best in well-drained soil situated in partial shade.

Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii Peakeep Peacock) Selective focus close-up portrait of flower spike -Credit:Getty
Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii Peakeep Peacock) Selective focus close-up portrait of flower spike -Credit:Getty

6. Buddleja davidii

Buddleja davidii, commonly known as summer lilac or butterfly bush, originates from China and is a vigorous, low-maintenance shrub. It boasts lengthy, dense flowering spikes that create an impressive display lasting four to six weeks during the summer.

The blossoms attract butterflies and a variety of insects, making it perfect for various garden settings, as long as there's sunlight and well-drained soil.

7. Photinia

Photinia, an evergreen shrub, is excellent for crafting hedges that ensure privacy or as a distinctive border feature. In spring, the new leaves burst into a vivid red hue, offering an "amazing contrast" to the older green leaves.

While the shrub does produce sparse white flowers in spring, these are typically followed by red berries.

8. Cornus alba

David hailed this plant as a "fantastic fast-growing deciduous shrub" that's incredibly adaptable in the garden. Cornus alba is typically cultivated for its striking winter display of bare stems in vivid yellow, orange, or red.

They also feature flat white flower heads in spring and maintain pale green leaves during summer, providing year-round colour to any garden.

9. Philadelphus

These plants can grow quite tall and are an excellent addition to borders for those seeking a "low-maintenance" garden. They burst into a froth of cup-shaped flowers at the beginning of summer and are tolerant of most soil types.

Philadelphus thrives in full sun or partial shade, and the blooms come with a delightful fragrance.

Generic gardening image Close up of bright red pyracantha berries on tree
Bright red pyracantha berries on tree

10. Pyracantha

To round off his recommendations, David suggests planting this evergreen shrub, which sports green foliage and clusters of white flowers in the warmer months. Pyracantha is a favourite among gardeners for its vibrant autumnal or winter berries in shades of red, yellow, or orange, ensuring your garden remains colourful even as other plants start to fade.