Police called in after 10-year-old boy ‘repeatedly punched’ by school staff member

Christ the King Catholic Primary School in Islington
The alleged attack took place at Christ the King Catholic Primary School in Islington, north London

Police are investigating allegations that a 10-year-old boy was attacked and repeatedly punched by a female member of staff at his primary school.

The alleged incident took place at Christ the King Catholic Primary School in Islington, where a member of staff has now been suspended.

Charles Etumnu‌, the boy’s father, claimed his son had been watching a minor disturbance in the playground involving another pupil when he was pushed and then violently assaulted.

He said the member of staff had dragged his son to a confined space and then repeatedly punched him.

Charles Etumnu, the father of the ten-year-old boy allegedly punched by a school member of staff
Charles Etumnu said his 10-year-old son was taken to a confined space before a member of staff began to punch him - Daily Mail

‌The boy was taken to Accident and Emergency following the alleged attack and is said to be traumatised by what happened.

‌In the immediate aftermath, the pupil was suspended amid allegations that he had attacked a member of staff, knocking off her glasses and pulling her hair.

‌But just hours later the suspension was rescinded when a supply teacher who had witnessed the incident came forward to corroborate the boy’s story.

‌It is understood the child and his two siblings have since been withdrawn from the school.


‌The incident, on November 10, was reported to police and Scotland Yard has confirmed it is investigating.

‌Islington council has also launched an investigation.

‌James Potts, chairman of governors at the school, said: “An allegation was made about an incident at the school in November.

‌“As soon as the allegation was made, we took the matter extremely seriously and took all appropriate actions.

‌“A member of staff was suspended at the time, pending a full investigation.

‌“We are working closely with the Metropolitan Police, Islington council and the Diocese of Westminster.

‌“As part of our continued partnership with parents, carers and the wider community, we take the safety and well-being of our pupils extremely seriously, and are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all.

‌“It would be inappropriate to comment further whilst an investigation is ongoing.”

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “Police were contacted on Friday, 10 November following a report that a 10-year-old pupil had been assaulted by a member of staff at a school in Tollington Park. There were no reports of any serious injuries.

‌“Safeguarding children remains our priority and we treat such allegations very seriously. Those involved in this incident, along with several witnesses, are being spoken with and the investigation is ongoing.

‌“We are working with partners, including the local authority and the school, to progress this matter as swiftly as possible.”

‌A spokesman for Islington council said: “We are aware of these reports and are taking them seriously. We’re working with the school to investigate.”