10 things you'll remember if you went to a Scottish primary school

Sandshoes were a staple of every PE lesson
-Credit: (Image: Daily Record)

Most Scots will harbour fond memories of their primary school days. The first time mingling with peers, discovering new things and, most importantly, the joy of spending your own pocket money at the tuck shop.

Walking past our old school or looking at old pictures sparks nostalgic memories of kickabouts, favourite lessons, and classroom routines. And although every school is different, there are many things that united primaries across Scotland.

With that in mind, here are 10 things that are bound to have memories flooding back for anyone who attended a primary school in Scotland.

Red ash/blaes pitches

Although astro turf is much-maligned in Scottish football, so-called 'plastic pitches' were a godsend when they started appearing in schools in the Noughties.

Before then, would-be worldbeaters were forced to have their kickabouts on the dreaded red ash. Now a rarity, thankfully, spotting one in the wild brings back painful memories for many who braved playing any sport on them.

Not only were you all-but guaranteed to break the skin with any serious fall on the surface, the agony of cleaning the blaes fragments out of the wounds is painfully etched in many of our memories.

Mitre Mouldmasters

What could be more painful than sliding on red ash and tearing your leg to shreds? Being struck by one of these on a frosty winter morning.

Beloved by schools across the country due to their affordability, many youngsters were left wishing the powers that be had shelled out a wee bit more to purchase some more user-friendly footballs.

The round red welt they left upon contact with skin usually contained the distinctive Mouldmaster panelling, and lasted only slightly longer than the pain itself.

Punishment exercises

While some goody-two-shoes will not be able to relate to this, most of us will have found ourselves on the end of a punishment exercise at one point due to our behaviour.

Although we might get away with a stern word from the teacher, sometimes they would go straight for the 'punny'.

These could take the form of copying the dictionary, writing lines, or reporoducing the school's code of conduct. Whatever we had to write, our wrists were sure to be aching at the end of the lesson.

Copying the dictionary was standard for a punishment exercise
Copying the dictionary was standard for a punishment exercise -Credit:Getty Images

TV on wheels

Whenever the teacher (or substitute) wheeled one of these into the classroom, the excitement was palpable as you knew it was going to be a good day. Some lucky football fans were lucky enough to gather in the school hall to watch daytime matches in World Cups and Euros.

Gym benches

The most adaptable furniture in school, benches served many more purposes that just places for kids to sit. Often being brought out for PE lessons, they were used as boundary markers, makeshift goals, and sometimes joined on to the legendary gym hall climbing frame.

Wallpapering your jotters

This was your chance to express your individuality. After being handed the old Strathclyde Regional Council jotters, you could decorate them with your favourite wallpaper, wrapping paper, or pictures.

Irn-Bru Bars, 5p crisps and chocolate cigarettes

The tuck shop was a treasure trove of treats, all within your modest budget. Irn-Bru bars (gone but not forgotten), cheap snacks, and the fabled 50p mix.

Irn-Bru bars were a tuck shop favourite
Irn-Bru bars were a tuck shop favourite -Credit:Daily Record


Although everyone had a different name for sandshoes, they united us all because we had to have a pair for PE. Even now, seeing the black, elasticated shoes brings back memories of running around the gym hall.

Scottish country dancing

Different schools delivered these special lessons in different ways, perhaps a monthly class or instead of PE in the run-up to Christmas. They led to many awkward moments with boys and girls forced to dance with one another, much to the amusement of their pals.

But while that was mortifying as a youngster, these lessons have stood us in good stead for ceilidhs at weddings, parties, and balls in later life. Besides, who doesn't love a Dashing White Sergeant?!

Heads down, thumbs up

It might have been a Friday afternoon, or the last day of term, but for whatever reason, if the teacher allowed the pupils to choose a game for all of them to play, there was only one winner.

A fun break in the day for schoolkids - and the teachers themselves - as they tried to work out which classmate had pressed their thumbs down while they held their face into the desk.

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