12 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Note: The following article contains discussion of themes including attempted suicide that some readers may find upsetting.

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week's Coronation Street will see Audrey share the truth with her family, while Stephen has his eyes on Jenny.

Meanwhile, Aadi and Kelly face a backlash over their engagement. Here's a look at 12 big moments coming up.

1. Audrey tells her family the truth

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

As the Platt family gather for the launch party of the revamped salon, Stephen is more concerned with making sure that Audrey signs the trust fund paperwork. He's left surprised when Audrey reveals that she has changed her mind and won't be signing.

To her family's shock, Audrey explains that she recently tried to take her own life. She then explains to her family that she has made a will giving them all equal shares – except for Stephen, who said that he didn't need it.

2. Jenny lets Leo go

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Leo begins his new job labouring with Ed, but Jenny can see that his heart isn't in Weatherfield. Leo had recently been weighing up a job opportunity in Canada, and Jenny admits to Leo that she doesn't want to stand in the way of his future.

Later, Jenny assures Rita that she has no regrets about her decision and that she'll get over Leo, but Rita isn't convinced.

3. Stephen has a new target

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Having approached the bank to help her expand the business at Stephen's suggestion, Sarah is turned down. She promises Stephen she'll find the money some other way.

It has been clear in recent weeks that Stephen has been trying to get his hands on a large sum of money. With Audrey's trust fund now no longer an option for him, Stephen meets with Sarah to look over her business plan.

When Sarah casually mentions that Jenny is the sole owner of the pub, Stephen's interest is piqued.

4. Jenny and Stephen share a kiss

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

With Jenny upset over her relationship with Leo, Stephen uses the situation to his advantage and turns on the charm. Tipsy, Jenny invites Leo through to the back and it isn't long before they start kissing.

Meanwhile, Rita and Gemma help Leo realise what he really wants. He returns to The Rovers with an engagement ring, and Gemma leads him through to the back. Will they walk in on Jenny and Stephen?

5. Peter drops Carla in it

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

As Toyah and Peter have a catch-up, they're joined by Spider and Griff. When Peter mentions that Carla has a business deal with Nadeem Atallah, Griff is less than pleased.

He reveals that Nadeem is well known for his unethical working practices, and sees this as the perfect opportunity to expose him.

6. Spider tells Toyah to back off

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

In a bid to save Carla's reputation, Toyah informs her of what she's learned about Nadeem, and warns her that associating with him could be bad for business. Carla is undeterred and confirms that the deal is already done.

Toyah tells Spider and Griff that she wants to be involved in the ambush they're planning on Nadeem. She's floored when Spider refuses to allow her to take part.

7. Aadi and Kelly's engagement is revealed

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Aadi and Kelly's wedding plans hit a snag when they discover that the Gazette competition rules require written consent from their parents or guardians due to their age.

With news of their engagement printed in the Gazette, Dev, Maria and Gary are horrified. They all agree that the couple are too young to get married and refuse to give their consent.

8. Tensions flare between Dev and Aadi

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Dev and Aadi argue over the engagement and Kelly's background. As tempers rise, Dev grabs Aadi, causing him to fall and hit his head. Furious, Aadi tells Dev he's leaving for good.

Asha plays peacemaker by insisting to Aadi that Dev loves him, and he shouldn't cut him out of his life.

Later, Aadi returns his mum's engagement ring to Dev, much to Dev's relief. Is the engagement off?

9. Summer learns Aaron went behind her back

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

As they celebrate at Speed Daal, Summer is stunned when Billy gives her a letter from her dad, having been instructed to give it to her on her 18th birthday. Summer confesses she's afraid of opening the letter.

Meanwhile, Billy learns from the nurse that Summer is eligible for a glucose monitor after all, and that Summer lied to him. Summer is upset to learn that Aaron went behind her back by telling Billy to call the hospital.

After an argument with Aaron, Summer reads the letter from her dad.

10. Bernie gets a proposition

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Having had a run-in with her lookalike last week, Bernie assures Gemma and Chesney that she didn't steal Joseph's new uniform and that there has been a misunderstanding with the bags.

Bernie's lookalike, Fern, returns Joseph's uniform to her, but can't help but notice the similarities between them. Bernie is surprised when Fern makes a proposition that could help both of them out.

11. Ken tries to win over Wendy

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

When Ken finds Wendy at the café, he invites her along to see a musical with him and is bemused when she knocks him back.

Later, as Wendy tries to pay her bill, she's unimpressed when Ken pays for her. Ken insists that all he wants is her friendship and invites her for a drink.

12. Dylan wants to stay

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Having discovered that Dylan wants to stay with him, Sean approaches Eileen for advice on what's best for Dylan. He's later surprised when Dylan confesses that he lied about being bullied at school because he didn't want to stay in London.

Sean decides to speak with Violet, but what will she say?

We would encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Organisations who can offer support include Samaritans on 116 123 (www.samaritans.org) or Mind on 0300 123 3393 (www.mind.org.uk). Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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