13th Note staff lodge bid for employee ownership

The picket line outside the 13th Note
-Credit: (Image: Unite)

Staff at the 13th Note bar in Glasgow have lodged a formal bid to take over the venue, after they were made redundant last summer.

The popular Merchant City venue announced it was shutting last July after 21 years, leaving 18 members of staff unemployed, with the announcement coming days after they went on strike over wages and safety concerns.

Staff took their former employer to a tribunal and won their protective award claim, after bosses failed to consult with them before making the redundancies. The tribunal ruled that the workers be paid for 90 days of service.

Now, workers are looking to reopen the venue themselves, stating they have a "comprehensive plan to re-establish one of Glasgow’s most iconic music venues".

Unite Hospitality released a statement confirming the move made to take over the bar.

"Our members at the 13th Note have just lodged their formal bid to take over their former workplace under workers control," it read.

"A comprehensive plan to re-establish one of Glasgow’s most iconic music venues for people to eat and drink sustainably sourced produce, where workers share the profits."

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