DNA test costing £150 could tell if you have the genes for a long life

The DNA findings predicted those most and least likely to have a long life  - PA 
The DNA findings predicted those most and least likely to have a long life - PA

A new DNA test could predict whether a person has the genes for a long life. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh were able to identify the 10 per cent of the population who could expect to live five years’ longer than the those scoring in the bottom 10 per cent.

Researchers said saliva tests could become available for as little as £150, for those who wanted to know their genetic life chances.

The study looked at genetic data from more than half a million people alongside records of their parents’ lifespan.

A scoring system was used to analyse the combined effect of genetic variations that influence lifespan.

Some 12 areas of the human genome were pinpointed as having a significant impact on lifespan, including five sites that have not been reported before.

The DNA sites with the greatest impact on overall lifespan were those that have previously been linked to fatal illnesses, including heart disease and smoking-related conditions.

The impact of genes linked to other cancers was not shown by the study.

Experts said this could be because susceptibility to death is either a result of rarer genetic differences, or social environmental factors.

The research, published in the journal eLife, was funded by the UK Medical Research Council and the AXA Research Fund.

Dr Peter Joshi, from the University of Edinburgh’s Usher Institute, said: “If we take 100 people at birth, or later, and use our lifespan score to divide them into ten groups, the top group will live five years longer than the bottom on average.”

He said the test could easily be added into those currently offered privately for around £150, at little or no extra cost.

Fellow author, Paul Timmers, PhD student, said “We found genes that affect the brain and the heart are responsible for most of the variation in lifespan.”

It comes as NHS specialists pilot a new test which tells women their lifetime risk of breast cancer, allowing those in greatest danger to take preventive drugs.

The method, being tried by NHS specialists, looks at DNA and family history as well as lifestyle information such as how many children a woman has and how much she drinks.On average, 11.5 per cent of women will develop breast cancer , but the test can identify those with around three times that risk, as well as those least likely to develop the disease.

It follows pledges to introduce genetic tests for all children with cancer and adults with some of the most hard to treat diseases in a bid to save half a million lives in a decade.

Simon Stevens, head of the NHS, said a "gene revolution" would transform survival rates from some of Britain’s major killers, as he announced a 10 year plan for the NHS.