The 18 everyday food and drink items that could soon be restricted in 'nanny state' Wales

Food and drink products high in fat, salt and sugar are being targeted
-Credit: (Image: Birmingham Mail)

The Welsh Government is calling for feedback on plans to restrict certain types of junk food in Wales. A series of measures are in the pipeline to reduce the county’s obesity epidemic and Cardiff now wants views on how these could be enforced.

Under draft regulations, proposals have been put forward to curb the ability of retailers to provide buy-one-get-one-free and multibuy offers. Cafes and restaurants will also be stopped from giving free refills of sugary drinks, while shops will have to end the practice of promoting sugary treats at store entrances, aisle ends and checkouts

According to health secretary Eluned Morgan, more than 60% of people in Wales are overweight or obese. In the latest consultation launched on the issue, she’s particularly keen gather evidence about the impact of energy drink consumption by children. Restrictions on their sale to under 16s were first proposed in 2022.

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A total of 18 common food products have been targeted for tighter restrictions, with retailers risking a £2,500 fine if they repeatedly flout the guidelines. The list, which includes items like pizza, crisps, cakes and cereals, is detailed below.

The draft regulations have been labelled a “nanny state plan” that will hit the poorest in Wales. Sam Rowlands, Tory Senedd Member for North Wales, said people should not be told by the government what they can and can’t eat.

He said: “I really can’t believe that the Welsh Government is considering yet another nanny state plan which will hit people in North Wales in their pockets. This latest consultation is yet another over-the-top regulation and completely uncalled for. Join the North Wales Live WhatsApp community group where you can get the latest stories delivered straight to your phone

“The Welsh Government, which has been unsuccessfully running the NHS in Wales for over 25 years, should be concentrating their efforts on improving the service, never mind exacerbating the cost of living for the poorest in society. Of course healthy eating is important. But I really believe we all have the right to decide what we eat, drink and buy and decisions like these should not just be foisted upon us.”

Obesity is fuelling a raft of chronic illnesses, from heart disease to type 2 diabetes and depression. It’s one of the biggest challenges facing the NHS and, with nearly 3m people signed off with long-term conditions, it’s also a drag on the economy.

Ultra-processed foods typically make up 55% of the typical British diet. Successive governments have pledged to tackle the issue but the epidemic continues to grow. Many people are pinning their hopes on weight-loss injections like Ozempic but critics say this tackles the symptoms and not the cause.

Cardiff’s proposals mirror those in Westminster for England. Baroness Morgan said a clampdown on food and drink high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) was long overdue – and the current measures won’t be the last.

“We know that obesity and overweight are associated with many physical and mental health problems across our life course,” she said. “I intend for this to be the first in a package of measures to improve the health of our food environments across Wales and to support the public to live healthier lives.”

The draft regulation covers medium and large retailers (those with 50 or more employees) but will exclude places like certain social care settings, military establishments and educational institutions. Also exempted will be restaurants (except for the drink refill ban) and specialist businesses that only sell one of the items listed below.

The 18 food and drink products threatened with promotional restrictions

  1. Cakes

  2. Chips and similar potato products

  3. Crisps and savoury snacks

  4. Breaded and battered products

  5. Meal centres (pre-prepared meals, meal kits etc).

  6. Ready meals

  7. Pizza

  8. Juice-based drinks with added sugar

  9. Milk-based drinks with added sugar

  10. Yoghurts

  11. Breakfast cereals

  12. Sweet biscuits

  13. Soft drinks with added sugar

  14. Puddings and dairy desserts

  15. Morning goods (for example pastries)

  16. Ice cream

  17. Sugar confectionery

  18. Chocolate confectionery

Ms Morgan has said the regulations would be voted on in the Senedd before the end of 2024 and, subject to Senedd approval, come into force in 2025. Impacted businesses and enforcement bodies would have a 12-month transition period to implement the new rules. This means we could see the restrictions in place in 2025-26.

The latest consultation can be found here. Sign up for the North Wales Live newsletter sent twice daily to your inbox