20 amazing Scottish words for everday things and occurrences

Scotland has so many amazing and unique words
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

Scotland is a nation of wordsmiths, boasting people with the gift of the gab from the Borders up to Shetland.

We have three native languages - English, Gaelic, and Scots - and a rich tapestry of regional dialects and slang.

All of this has combined to allow us to produce a number of brilliant and unique words for almost any situation or object. Here are 20 of our favourites.

1. Tartle

A quintessentially Scottish term, it captures that awkward moment when you bump into someone and pause as you scramble to recall their name.

2. Doocot/Dookit

Shortened from dovecot, this Scots word denotes a small nook or slot where you can stash something away.

"Here, stick this in that doocot over there."

3. Coorie

This delightful word describes the act of cuddling up or snuggling into either a person or an object. Inspired a book on living your best Scottish life - The Art of Coorie.

Coorie in with your loved ones
Coorie in with your loved ones -Credit:Getty

4. Bogle

Traditionally meaning a frightening ghost or apparition, this term has more recently been applied to a kind of scarecrow, with a 'tattie-bogle' being used to guard potato or neep patches.

5. Hirple

The Scots equivalent of hobble - to walk with a limp. The only word in the dictionary to rhyme with purple.

6. Bumfle

A charming term referring to a crease, winkle, or unsightly lump in your clothes.

You don't want your clothes to be bumfled
You don't want your clothes to be bumfled -Credit:Getty

7. Gallus

Someone who is brimming with confidence (perhaps overconfidence) and seems to be cock of the walk, with a fair swagger on them. Supposedly derived from a word meaning someone who is a bit of a rascal (fit for the gallows).

8. Breenge

The ideal word for assertively pushing (or perhaps barging) your way into or through a throng. Potentially something a gallus person would do.

"That guy just breenged right in."

9. Smirr

That light rain that you can barely even see or feel when it drops on you, but nonetheless gets you extremely wet.

10. Drookit

Speaking of 'extremely wet', this term describes being thoroughly soaked, often after being caught in a typically Scottish sudden downpour - or a bit of smirr

11. Fankle

To get something all tangled up, usually an item with a cord or wire but you can also get yourself in a fankle if you have been flustered by a sudden influx of requests or information.

12. Drouth

A heavy thirst. This can be at the start of the day, when you wake up parched, but also refers to being in need of a pint to wet your whistle.

Waking up with a drouth on is a nightmarea
A smirr can leave you drookit

13. Bahookie

A fantastic description of someone's rear end.

"Sit on your bahookie and listen."

14. Nyaff

Someone who is extremely annoying, a right pain in the bahookie.

15. Peely-wally

As a nation not served by lots of sunshine - and not known for tanning particularly well when it does appear - this great word describes someone who's looking rather pale. Can also apply if

16. Stocious

Somewhere on the boozy scale between drunk and steaming.

A good night out often ends with many people stocious
Waking up with a drouth on is a nightmarea -Credit:Getty

17. Shoogly

The wonderful Scottish version of shaky. Often used in footballing terms when a manager is nearing the sack, and his "coat is on a shoogly peg".

18. Stooshie/Stramash

Two for the price of one, they both describe a commotion or rammy. Iconic football commentator Arthur Montford was well-known for his love of describing a goalmouth scramble as a stramash.

19. Thrapple

A brilliantly random word for a person's throat.

20. Stravaig

To roam or wander aimlessly, often describing taking a leisurely stroll through Scotland's stunning landscapes.

Bonus Word - Outwith

Something used on a regular basis by Scots, who are shocked to learn it is not used elsewhere. The opposite of 'within', it sounds much better than plain old 'outside'.

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