20mph roll out on 949 roads continues despite pleas to stop
20mph speed limits have started being rolled out on 949 roads despite Conservative calls for a pause.
Wirral Council moved ahead with the second phase of new speed limits at an environment and transport committee meeting on December 5 with the support of three political parties. This was despite an overwhelmingly negative response in a public consultation filled out by 2,226 people, a petition signed by over 7,000, some vandalism, and a number of protests on the issue.
20mph limits are being brought in as part of a wider programme aiming to reduce the number of casualties and deaths on Wirral's roads by making roads in residential areas safer for children and families. Studies suggest someone is five times more likely to be killed when hit by a car travelling at 30mph than one travelling at 20mph.
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However the policy which has already seen speed limits change on more than 1,700 roads has been criticised as disproportionate. Alan Jones who started the petition previously called the policy “anti car,” adding: “It doesn’t make sense because all you are doing is slowing down traffic at times when you don’t need to slow down.”
This week, the Labour-run Welsh Government, which introduced a default 20mph speed limit in built up areas, has also said it will allow some roads to revert back to 30mph updating guidance following backlash over the policy.
In March, the UK Government said it would crack down on “blanket 20mph limits” renewing calls by Wirral’s Conservatives for a pause. The guidance said councils "should keep their speed limits under review and only introduce 20mph limits and zones in the right places, over time and with local support in urban areas and built-up village streets that are primarily residential."
As the second roll out of 20mph begins, Conservative leader Cllr Jeff Green said: "Unfortunately, the public are now seeing the consequences of the actions by the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and Green Parties and their unwillingness to listen to consultation. As always with the Labour Party and the Greens, it appears they seek to rule over residents as opposed to representing their views.”
Wirral’s Conservative councillors initially voted for the first roll out in January 2023 but have since criticised the widespread policy arguing the council should stop and reflect before moving ahead with more changes. A motion by Cllr Green, said 20mph speed limits should only be introduced outside schools for the time being but it failed to get any support from other parties.
He said Conservatives were unable to raise the issue until six months had passed from their previous motion, adding: “We will again be raising this matter, pointing out that if even the Welsh Government is prepared to think again, the Labour Party, Greens and Liberal Democrats should have the humility to listen to local residents’ concerns and act accordingly."
However Wirral’s other three political parties which make up 49 out of its 66 councillors have said they will continue to implement the policy stressing it will be reviewed as it goes along. The roll out is expected to finish in 2025.
Labour councillor Liz Grey, who chairs Wirral’s environment and transport committee, pointed out the first phase of 20mph speed limits was being rolled out before the May 2023 local elections which saw the Conservatives lose seven seats to Labour. She said this election “gave residents ample opportunity to vote out those supporting 20mph,” adding: “The Tories lost all votes on this and not even by a narrow margin.”
She said: “We are listening to people and officers have been very clear that there will be reviews of the roll out once implemented. They know they might not get every aspect right at first and it can be tweaked if necessary.
“Reviews will focus on the views of people living in the roads affected. We haven’t ignored consultations and officers gave very careful feedback to each response. Residents were asked if they believed there would be any road safety or traffic flow problems resulting from 20mph plans in their area.”
Referring to recent government guidance, she argued it was unlikely to have any consequences calling it "just desperate rhetoric from a desperate Government.”
Liberal Democrat councillor Allan Brame argued the new guidance actually supports the council's approach as it called “for a transport system that is greener and safer and improves the quality of life in our communities." He added it “makes the vital point that “for every 1mph reduction in average speed, collision frequency decreases by around 5%.”
Cllr Brame said: “These are all fundamental aims of the strategy agreed by Wirral councillors, but that does not mean that Wirral has got every decision right.
“There may well be some roads which probably should not have been reduced to 20mph and those decisions can be reviewed but the most significant voice in any review should be that of the families who actually live in those roads, rather than motorists who are just driving through, sometimes at speed, past other people’s homes. The ultimate test will be our success in reducing the number of lives lost or impaired in avoidable collisions.”
Wirral’s Green Party were also approached for comment.
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