21 of the weirdest and most random things ever to happen in Swansea

This man had to be rescued after he was stuck in a hole in the pavement
This man had to be rescued after he was stuck in a hole in the pavement in Swansea -Credit:Gareth Hughes

From a road sign that read 'I am not in the office at the moment' in Welsh, to a charity shop that had to remind patrons not to donate *ahem* adult items, and a man who got stuck in a deep hole in the pavement up to his chest, there's no denying that Swansea has seen some pretty unexpected incidents over the years!

Sometimes, we all want a laugh: so we've collated some of the most amusing, weird and downright wacky news stories from across the county into this article. Scroll down if you need a little pick-me-up - and, just for the record, these are all events that have genuinely happened. Get in touch if you've got an amusing Swansea story you wish to share, email: molly.dowrick@walesonline.co.uk

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MUST SEE: The straight out of a fairytale Welsh garden paradise next to a main road that's well worth the trip

1. Duo who tried to escape cops while handcuffed together collided with a lamp-post

Back in 1982, two men made a break from Swansea Magistrates Court, only to realise, mid-sprint - whilst running either side of a lamp-post - that they were cuffed together. Unsurprisingly, both managed to break their wrists and the police caught up to them pretty quickly.

2. Man got stuck chest-deep in a hole in the pavement - and became internet famous, before that was really a thing

Fire crews had to assist the man after he got stuck in a deep hole in the pavement
Fire crews had to assist the man after he got stuck in a deep hole in the pavement -Credit:South Wales Evening Post archive

A man was walking along Dillwyn Street in Swansea city centre one day in 2008 when he accidentally dropped his lighter down a hole where workers had been installing a new lamp-post. Perhaps not realising how deep, or narrow, the hole actually was; the man stepped into the hole to retrieve his lighter. And got completely stuck.

Witnesses attempted to lift him out of the hole but were unable to do so, so the emergency services had to be called. The hilarious moment was captured on video and uploaded to YouTube several times - and there's still one version up on the site now. You can watch the hilarious clip above.

3. Cows stampede with plastic chair on one of their heads

At the height of the Covid lockdown, some animals seemed to be behaving a little strangely, including a herd of cows who stampeded down a main road in Southgate, Gower. More bizarrely, one was carrying a plastic garden chair on its head.

The stampede was filmed in May, 2020, by a local resident - 12-year-old Noah Williamson. Noah’s mother Stephanie said: “Noah was with his older brother Sam and I’m just glad they had the sense to stay out of the way in someone’s drive to avoid the stampede.

“The cow with the chair on its head has given us all a good giggle though, and the cow has since had the chair removed, so it is fine and there’s no harm done”.

4. Community feared 'psychotic sheep' would run riot in peaceful village

A Swansea councillor raised concerns that sheep in the Swansea Valley could potentially become "psychotic" in 2016, after they accidentally consumed a load of cannabis. Then-councillor Ioan Richard noted that sheep had already created issues in charming Craig Cefn Parc village - but said he worried the animals would wreak further havoc after they ate plants believed to be remnants of a cannabis factory.

"There is already a flock of sheep roaming the village causing a nuisance. They are getting in people's gardens and one even entered a bungalow and left a mess in the bedroom," he told the South Wales Evening Post at the time. "I dread to think what will happen if they eat what could well be cannabis plants – we could have an outbreak out of psychotic sheep rampaging through the village."

5. McDonald's customer visited drive-thru on a horse

In a rather strange late-night incident, a man was captured visiting Swansea Morriston McDonald's drive-thru on a horse in 2010. The man and his stallion waited patiently in the drive-thru lane for the man's order, a Big Mac and fries, and were given a free bag of carrots. Lovely.

6. Roadworks sign read 'I am not in the office at the moment'

We're sure you've all seen this one on social media - but if you haven't, you're in for quite the ride!

Across Wales, road signs and other notices have to be printed in both Welsh and English so translators are often tasked with translating messages and signage from English to Welsh and/or from Welsh to English. In a hilarious blunder in 2008, an automatic email reply ended up on a road sign near Asda in Llansamlet.

Then-contracts manager for Swansea Council's highways department, Andy Kirby, emailed a Welsh translator asking for the Welsh translation for the message: 'No entry for heavy goods vehicles. Residential site only'.

On receiving an email back from the translator, he copied the message and the sign was made with the English and Welsh phrasing. Only, the Welsh translation didn't match the English. Instead, the sentence Andy had received in his email from the translator - "Nid wyf yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd. Afonwch unrhyw waith i'w gyfieithu" - meant "I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated."

Of course, the sign wasn't up long before someone noticed the error - but many photos were taken before this and the sign soon went viral.

7. Cage fighters in fancy dress defend themselves

cage fighters Dan Lerwell and James Lilley
Cows were filmed stampeding down a residential street, one with a chair on its head

Two men looking for a fight picked the wrong victims in 2009 when the people they thought would be easy targets, due to their clothing, turned out to be cage fighters in fancy dress.

The bonkers moment the two men realised their mistake - and James Lilley and Daniel Lerwell surprised their attackers whilst wearing wigs and skirts - was caught on CCTV and soon uploaded to YouTube, where it gained millions of views and led to the identification and prosecution of the two assailants.

8. People queued overnight to get a tattoo of a Welsh vodka brand in exchange for £250

People queued overnight to have an Au Vodka tattoo
A community had fears that 'psychotic' sheep high on cannabis could start wreaking havoc

Around 150 people queued overnight at the headquarters of Au Vodka in Swansea last year, after the firm promised it would pay £250 to anyone who had a tattoo done there of its award-winning spirit. The event came after social media star Jake Paul made headlines after allegedly receiving $250,000 for a tattoo of Au Vodka, ahead of his big fight with Tommy Fury.

Many noticed that the tattoo had mysteriously disappeared by the time the fight aired. Charlie Sloth, co-director of Au Vodka, together with Jackson Quinn and Charlie Morgan - were prompted to challenge people to "put their money where their mouth is" and said they'd pay people "up to £250" to have a similar tattoo. For the latest Swansea news, sign up to our newsletter here

9. 'Crocodile' seen in a lake

In 2008, Port Talbot resident Steve Jenkins - now a locally-renowned artist - raised the alarm after claiming to have spied a crocodile in Pluck Lake, opposite Morrisons in Morfa. On a routine Sunday dog walk, Mr Jenkins described how a movement in the water caught his eye, revealing what he believed to be a metre-long crocodile or alligator.

Fearful it may have been a deserted illegal pet, authorities including the police, the RSPCA and local zoologist Gwilym Games were called in to investigate, yet they found no concrete proof of the creature's existence. Weird.

10. Charity shop tells patrons to stop donating 'marital aids'

Yes, really. Last year, volunteers at Barnardo's in Gorseinon took to social media to remind customers and supporters that the Barnardo's charity supported children and young people - and that some recent donations had certainly not been appropriate.

Whilst donations of clothing, children's toys, unopened toiletries, home items and bric-a-brac are widely accepted by charity shops across the city, adult items - especially those which have been used - are unsuitable for donation.

"Could those of you who kindly donate please be mindful that we are a CHILDRENS CHARITY and as such we have a range of ages on our wonderful volunteer team," volunteers wrote. "We therefore ask that you refrain from donating your used and unused marital aids! We would like to remind you that the branch has CCTV so that these items can be traced back to their owners. Thank you."

11. Bride and groom get married on train to Swansea

Bride and groom Leah Anderson and Vince Smith got married on a train to Swansea
The sign with an amusing translation error

Churches and other places of worship, hotels, barns, venues and registry offices - there's loads of places you can get married. But one couple tied the knot in a much more unusual place: on a train.

The bride and groom and all their wedding guests boarded a special Great Western Railway (GWR) Service from London Paddington to Swansea in March and said 'I Do' as they were whisked through the countryside at more than 100mph.

Leah Anderson and Vince Smith, from Guildford, said train journeys had played a momentous part in their relationship and they first met on board a GWR service from Wokingham to Reading. After that, the couple travelled to their first date by train together - and even had their first kiss on a train too.

With this in mind, when it came to planning their wedding, the couple approached GWR and asked if they could have a train-themed centrepiece for their big day. In response, the GWR team offered to host the couple's wedding on a train - thought to be the first wedding to ever be held on a national rail service. Despite being from the south of England, GWR suggested the couple take the London to Swansea route as it’s one of its longer ones and meant they could have a full wedding day on the train. You can recap this lovely, unusual wedding story here.

Leah, 38, had her hair and make-up done in the Queen Victoria Lounge at platform one at London Paddington, before joining her groom, 39, and the wedding party on board the train. She was given away by her father, who was a signal officer on the railway for 51 years, and her six-year-old son, Teddy.

The wedding ceremony, vows and exchange of rings were conducted by a railway chaplain while the London Paddington to Swansea service was travelling at 125mph, a spokesperson for GWR said. After the couple said 'I do', speeches, a wedding breakfast, and a champagne toast were held in the dining car.

12. Johnny Depp visited a beloved Swansea landmark

Johnny Depp explores the Dylan Thomas birthplace in Uplands, 2023
Dan Lerwell and James Lilley defended themselves when approached by two assailants, who picked on them as they were wearing dresses for fancy dress -Credit:South Wales Evening Post archive

Whilst we often see top singers and actors perform on stage in Swansea, it's not everyday we see a Hollywood star at a local landmark! But, last summer, actor Johnny Depp "became emotional" when visiting a beloved Swansea attraction.

The Edward Scissorhands and Pirates of the Caribbean star enjoyed a short visit to the Dylan Thomas Birthplace in Uplands ahead of performing at Swansea Arena with his rock band, Hollywood Vampires.

Away from the glitz and glamour of his life as a film star, Johnny Depp is an unexpected rare book collector who enjoys reading and has read several Dylan Thomas books and poems over the years. During his visit he told Geoff Haden, owner and restorer of Dylan Thomas's Birthplace, that he first came across the Welsh poet's work when his brother bought him 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog' when he was young.

"It was amazing [to have Johnny Depp visit]," Geoff told WalesOnline previously. "I would say it was the best house tour we've ever done. He was absolutely delightful, very unassuming and he loved the house. He couldn't get over that we'd done so much work here [to restore Dylan's birthplace]. He was extremely amenable, it was as if someone we knew really well had popped in for a coffee!

13. Shopper found weird and vile item in Aldi supermarket rice

object found in food
People queued overnight to have an Au Vodka tattoo -Credit:Mark Lewis

Aldi was forced to apologise after a customer from Swansea discovered a "foreign object" in a pack of rice from a local store. Andrew Davies purchased a pack of Mexican-style rice from the supermarket's Gorseinon shop on October 16 last year, and found the unexpected addition whilst he prepared his meal.

He explained how the discovery was "deeply unsettling", and gave him cause for concern about the quality and safety of the product. He got in touch with the store to explain the situation but said he was dissatisfied by its proposed resolution.

In a statement, the store said it had advised Mr Davies to return the product in order to receive a full refund, and claimed the discovery could be mould, which it said could form on products if packaging was damaged, exposing contents to the air.

14. Giant eels washed up on Swansea beach

A large conger eel on a beach next to someone's foot
Bride and groom Leah Anderson and Vince Smith got married on a train to Swansea -Credit:WalesOnline

Locals were stunned in December, 2021, when huge conger eels washed up on the sand between Rippes ice cream parlour and the West Cross Inn. At the time, the Canal and River Trust explained this species of eel came from the Sargasso Sea and added that it took them around three years to reach UK waters. They can live to be 100 years old when landlocked and can grow up to 6ft in length (9.8ft being the record). The ones on Swansea beach weren't quite that long, but were pretty impressive nonetheless.

15. Bride arrived to her wedding in the back of a police car

Bride standing next to a police car
Johnny Depp explores Dylan Thomas's birthplace in Uplands in 2023 -Credit:Alun Gibbard/Dylan Thomas Birthplace

Instead of the usual wedding car, a bride got escorted to her wedding in the back of a police car. Katie Davies, now Katie Thomas, was en-route to her wedding in August, 2019, with her mother and daughter when they were caught in traffic on the M4 near Swansea, due to a serious collision.

Katie was set to marry her fiancé Ryan Thomas at 3pm but started to worry as the traffic jam grew. Katie's mum, Sian Davies, phoned the groom's brother Cian to inform him that they might not make it in time. The panic escalated as their wedding was the last ceremony of the day. Despite assurances from staff that they would stay beyond the 3pm slot, the family feared the wedding might not proceed.

Cian rushed to Neath police station to seek help. With blue lights flashing, police arrived and guided the bride, her mother and her five-year-old daughter Millie-Rae from the outside lane of the M4 through stationary traffic to the hard shoulder! They made it just in time!

16. Welsh windsurfer accidentally ended up in Devon

In 2006, Adam Coles embarked on a windsurfing trip in Swansea Bay, expecting to be out for just an hour in the afternoon. The Swansea University technician ventured further than anticipated and continued his journey, reaching the north Devon coast three hours later after a 40-mile adventure in the Bristol Channel.

Residents of Woody Bay, near Lynton in north Devon, were left gobsmacked when a man emerged from the sea and asked: 'Where am I?' Adam's wife, Sarah, then had to embark on a 280-mile round trip to collect him.

17. Mysterious high pitch noise heard across Swansea

In summer, 2021, a mysterious high-pitched noise was heard by people across the city, including in Morriston, Cockett, Bonymaen, Penlan, Townhill, Gowerton and Waunarlwydd. The sound was described as a "high pitched humming or vibration" and locals said they were being driven "crazy" by the annoyance.

Swansea Council had no idea what was causing the strange sound and no further reports were ever made. Eventually, the sound stopped... here's hoping it won't come back anytime soon!

18. 'Bubbling pool' on the beach

Residents were baffled by a strange "bubbling pool" on Swansea beach in spring, 2022 and some said it looked like a lava lamp. One witness had been strolling with her family on a dog walk when the shell-filled bubble pool grabbed her attention, so she decided to film it and ask people what it was.

"I was in Swansea Bay, opposite the B&Bs and just before the Slip Bridge. I was just out walking the dog with my husband and daughter," the witness said. "It just looks pretty, I had not seen anything like it before. It looks like an underwater fountain with shells all around it. I was in awe of it as it's gorgeous."

Natural Resources Wales later explained that the site was simply caused by a pipe. Swansea environment team leader Hamish Osborn explained: "Your video shows the discharge from the end of a surface water outfall pipe that has become buried by sand on the beach. There are similar pipes all around the bay. Some of them end at the top of the foreshore and others extend down onto the sand and out across the beach. The sand levels tend to vary up and down with time as the sand shifts due to wave and wind action. Sometimes, when the sand level drops, the pipes are exposed. At other times the end of the pipe gets buried and when this happens the water finds a path out from the pipe and up to the surface as shown in the video."

19. Strange orange glow over Swansea

A mysterious orange glow beamed down onto Swansea
Ew. A shopper was shocked to find an odd, vile item in a packet of rice from Aldi -Credit:Andrew Davies

A mysterious orange glow in the sky above Swansea overnight left some Swansea residents baffled. Locals spotted a beaming light in the city's skyline on Saturday, January 27, 2024 and many snapped photos of the scene over Bonymaen, Townhill and Morriston from as early as 7.30pm on Saturday until the early hours of Sunday morning.

While some suggested the puzzling sight could be a result of the Sahara dust that was set to hit the UK at the time, others jokingly compared it to apocalyptic scenes from Independence Day, whilst some thought the glow was coming from the light of the heating lamps at the Swansea.com Stadium... But no-one was ever really sure!

20. Weird ship

A very odd looking ship turned up off the coast of Swansea and seemed to stay there for ages in November, 2019. The massive vessel was red and white-coloured and had four chimney like structures on it.

There were plenty of theories as to what it might be - but WalesOnline eventually discovered that it was the MPI Enterprise, an 11,000 tonne, 120 metre long 'self-elevating wind turbine installation vessel', specifically designed for installing and repairing offshore wind turbines.

It was taking shelter in Swansea Bay until weather conditions improved.

21. Herd of cows invade Swansea housing estate

A herd of escaped cows caused mayhem in Pontarddulais as they roamed around the streets. Shocked residents captured pictures and videos of the roaming farm animals as they helped themselves to plants and grass from gardens and stumbled into fences and parked cars.

Concerned locals took to social media to try to work out who owned the cows and multiple calls were received by South Wales Police who made a plea for information on social media.

The cows had a wander before heading down Bolgoed Road where they paid a visit to a children’s play area.

Watch the moment a herd of cows cause chaos on a Swansea housing estate: