25 HILARIOUS reactions to Trump's unhinged rant about electrocution vs. shark attack

Donald Trump went on a bizarre rant about shark attacks and electrocution at a rally in Las Vegas
Donald Trump went on a bizarre rant about shark attacks and electrocution at a rally in Las Vegas


Donald Trump has been saying outrageous things since the day he announced he was running for president, but now the former president may have said something so unhinged that he actually jumped the shark.

On Sunday, at a rally in Las Vegas, Trump went on a bizarre rant that somehow involved electric boats and shark attacks, and the internet has been roasting him ever since.

After his teleprompter malfunctioned, the GOP presidential nominee went off script and talked about how "they"—presumably the Biden administration—are pursuing a policy that would force boat manufacturers to use electric engines for environmental reasons.

You might be thinking that that's a pretty innocuous topic for a man who is constantly spewing anti-LGBTQ+ hate, racism, and xenophobia, but don't worry, Trump goes off the rails really quickly. What he says is so convoluted and difficult to follow that it's hard to summarize, but basically, he starts to recount a likely made-up story about an official at a South Carolina boat company who told Trump that "they want us to make all-electric boats," which make the boats heavy to float.

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Trump then bragged about asking a question no one else had ever asked, implying that he's "very smart" because of his "relationship with MIT." Trump then asked what would happen if the boat was so heavy from the weight of the electric battery and there was a shark nearby. "So I said, so there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here, do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking? Water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"

Porque no los dos? Why limit ourselves to just one method?

Trump continued, "I will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, 'You know, nobody's ever asked me that question'."Umm…hate to break it to you, but no one has ever asked that question before because no one else is that stupid. Trump also mispronounced "electrocution," slurring his words and saying "elecstrocution." Everyone has come to expect Trump's speeches to be outrageous and filled with hate—and increasingly more glitches—but this rant was such a bizarre and non sequitur that even the MAGA devotees in the crowd looked puzzled.

The video of Trump's nonsensical speech—which sounded more like when a 5-year-old kid asks, "Who would win in a fight, Batman or a kangaroo?"—has gone viral, earning more that 6 million views in a clip posted by journalist Aaron Rupar, and prompting the internet to roast the ridiculous politician endlessly. Frequent Trump troll and horror writer Stephen King wrote on X, "This is like listening to your senile uncle at the dinner table after he has that third drink." But he wasn't the only celeb to take a shot at the Republican leader; Star Wars star Mark Hamill hilariously referenced Austin Powers by posing a photo of Dr. Evil wearing a MAGA hat on X with the caption, "...and sharks with fricken' laser beams attached to their heads!"

Looks like Stormy Daniels was right yet again when she said that Trump is "obsessed with sharks, terrified of sharks."While far worse things have come out of Trump's mouth in the past, his going on a hard-to-follow rant about sharks may be one of the funniest.

Keep scrolling to see the most hilarious reactions to Trump's shark rant!
























