Let's Revisit the Hottest 'Game of Thrones' Sex Scenes of All Time, Shall We?

Let's Revisit the Hottest 'Game of Thrones' Sex Scenes of All Time, Shall We?

The final season of Game of Thrones is returning in just 12 days and if the hit show is known for one thing other than consistently killing off your favorite characters, it’s the crazy amount of nudity and sex it has. And while these scenes can involve some hard-to-watch incest (ahem, Jaime and Cersei) or extremely cringey rape scenes (like Ramsay and Sansa), there are also plenty of hot, steamy scenes to provide some sweet relief from the brutal world that is the Game of Thrones (thank you, Jon and Ygritte).

Here are all of the 26 hottest to downright uncomfy scenes that the show has given us over the past eight seasons.

  1. Daenerys and Khal Drogo’s Wedding Night

Season 1, Episode 1
The first episode of the season set the tone for unsettling sex scenes with Khal Drogo raping Dany on their wedding night. During the scene, our soon to be badass Khaleesi is terrified, crying and trying to cover herself up while Drogo has his way with her. Thankfully, Dany has a history of not letting her less-than-ideal life circumstances hold her back.

  1. Jaime and Cersei at Winterfell

Season 1, Episode 1
Speaking of unsettling sex scenes, GoT wastes no time in jumping right into the deep end of the gross pool with the Jaime/Cersei relationship when Bran Stark finds them going at it inside a tower at Winterfell at the end of episode one. This is the first time we learn the twins are much closer than any siblings should be, and it’s the first clue that Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen are Jaime’s kids, and not King Robert’s.


  1. Tyrion and Ros
    Season 1, Episode 1
    When Tyrion arrives in Winterfell he not-so-surprisingly makes his first stop the local brothel, where he hires Ros for her services. Their time together is quickly interrupted by Jaime who wants to make sure his brother is going to be at dinner. Unsurprisingly, Tyrion has a different kind of feast planned.

  2. Dany and Drogo, Again
    Season 1, Episode 2
    The second time we see Drogo and Dany having sex, things are still looking pretty terrible. Drogo is forcefully having sex with Dany while she stares off, looking intently at her three dragon eggs. It seems like the Khal and Khaleesi aren’t ever going to have any sort of actual romantic relationship, until…

  1. Dany and Drogo, a Third Time

Season 1, Episode 2
After her straight up terrifying experiences with Drogo, Dany decides to take back some control and gets her handmaid Doreah to teach her the art of seduction. She puts her new moves into action and gets the Khal to have sex with her face-to-face. While it’s still hard at this point to totally forget that their relationship started with rape, this marks the beginning of their eventual love for eachother.

  1. Viserys and Doreah
    Season 1, Episode 4
    They say those who can’t do, teach, but it looks like Doreah is capable of both. Her and Dany’s creep of a brother Viserys get it on in a steamy bath tub while he gives her a history lesson about dragons in Westeros.

  1. Theon and Ros
    Season 1, Episode 5
    Before Theon became the trembling, brainwashed Reek, he was known for his many, many sexual conquests. He was a frequent customer of Ros, and snuck her into the castle for one last trist before she left to go south to Kings Landing. While their relationship seems a little odd, Theon seems genuinely sad when he later says he’s going to miss her.

  1. Littlefinger, Ros and Another Prostitute
    Season 1, Episode 7
    In the brothel at Kings Landing, Littlefinger aka Lord Baelish is doing what he knows best: being a total creep. He has Ros and another prostitute practice having sex in front of him and critiques their moves, sounds included, wanting them to make everything more believable. When the ladies ask him to join them, he mysteriously says he’s saving himself for someone with “impeccable bloodlines.”

  1. Theon and the Ship Captain’s Daughter
    Season 2, Episode 2
    Theon continues his sexual escapades while sailing home to the Iron Islands. Even on a boat this guy can find someone to have sex with. He captures the attention of the ship captain’s daughter, who begs him to take her away with him. In true playboy fashion, he declines, but still manages to keep the below-deck hook-up going.

  1. Stannis and Melisandre
    Season 2, Episode 2
    At Dragonstone, Melisandre makes her move on Stannis, who protests for all of half a second. All it takes is Melisandre telling him his wife is too weak and disgusting, and they swiftly get it on on top of the Painted Table. Knowing now that Melisandre eventually gives birth to a weird af shadow baby, this scene becomes even more suspect.

  2. Joffrey, Ros and Daisy
    Season 2, Episode 4
    Tyrion hires Ros and fellow prostitute Daisy as a Name Day present for sadistic Joffrey. While Joffrey seems less than interested in joining in, he has the two women touch each other, before unsurprisingly making things turn violent, getting Ros to hit Daisy with his belt until she screams. During the scene, Joffrey points his crossbow at Ros—a foreshadowing of when he eventually shoots her in the next season.

  1. Robb and Talisa
    Season 2, Episode 8
    The sexual tension between Robb and Talisa was so thick you could cut it with a sword, making their hook up all the more steamy. Sadly for the both of them, it was also the beginning of the end. Robb broke off his engagement to Walder Frey’s daughter, which ultimately lead to the infamous Red Wedding. Good thing they enjoyed themselves while they could.

  1. Jon and Ygritte
    Season 3, Episode 5
    Jon and Ygritte’s scene was probably one of the few sexual encounters in the series that fans were actively rooting for. The highly anticipated hook-up has all the makings of a great sex scene: forbidden love, a secluded cave, lots of furs, and conveniently placed hot springs. Of course, Ygritte starts to let out one of her classic “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” until she realizes that he does, in fact, know what he’s doing.

  2. Loras and Olyvar
    Season 3, Episode 5
    Despite the fact that Loras is betrothed to Sansa, we soon learn that he jousts for the other team. He has a hot hookup with Olyvar inside the castle, and questions Olyvar on how he could tell he was gay. The two continue to have a relationship for a few more seasons, until Olyvar turns on his lover and gives incriminating testimony to the High Priest, which allows him to imprison Loras.

  3. Theon, Myranda and Violet
    Season 3, Episode 7
    While Theon is being held hostage by Ramsay, Myranda and Violet take a trip to the torture chamber to try to seduce their “well endowed” prisoner. Theon seems hesitant at first but once a naked Myranda is straddling him, he gets into it—that is until Ramsay shows up and puts a permanent end to the party.

  1. Gendry and Melisandre
    Season 3, Episode 8
    Sometimes you think you’re hooking up with a hot older woman, but then sometimes they end up pinning you down, tieing you up, and sucking out your magical king’s blood with leeches. Gendry learned that the hard way.

  1. Jaime and Cersei (and Joffrey?)
    Season 4, Episode 3
    Just when you thought it wasn’t possible to make the Jaime/Cersei relationship even more nauseating, GoT found a way. Jaime essentially rapes Cersei right beside their dead son’s casket. Cersei tries to push him off saying “It isn’t right,” but Jaime just fires back with “I don’t care” and continues on his way.

  2. Oberyn, Ellaria, Olyvar and Two Unnamed Prostitutes
    Season 4, Episode 3
    At the King’s Landing brothel, Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand are enjoying themselves with an orgy with Olyvar and two female prostitutes. The fun comes to an end when they’re interrupted by one of the least hot men on the show, Tywin Lannister.

  1. Ramsay and Myranda
    Season 4, Episode 6
    It’s no surprise that king of the freaks Ramsay has an equally effed up girlfriend. People who bond over watching other girls get mauled to death by dogs usually aren’t having a low-key sex life, and that seems to be the case here with their violent sex.

  2. Ramsay and Myranda, Again
    Season 5, Episode 5
    Myranda is getting jelly of the time Ramsay is spending with his imprisoned bride-to-be Sansa, but that doesn’t stop them from having some upright sex standing by the window in Ramsay’s room at Winterfell.

  1. Sam and Gilly
    Season 5, Episode 7

While Sam might not be the hottest man in Westeros, him and Gilly are by far one of the best couples, making their not entirely hot sex scene still pretty cute. While it’s clear their sex is a bit tamer than most (aka not rough, forced, or between relatives), in true Sam style, he’s still bringing a bit of comic relief with his shocked faces and a couple of “Oh my’s.”

  1. Dany and Daario
    Season 5, Episode 7
    Dany’s first post-Drogo hookup is the beautiful Daario Naharis. Tension between these two had been building up, and Dany didn’t even seem to mind when he drastically changed looks between seasons (hello, actor change). While the scene manages to skip over the actual sex, Dany maintains her boss bitch ways in the moments before by commanding Daario to take off his clothes.

  2. Sansa and Ramsay
    Season 5, Episode 6
    Poor Sansa has had one of the roughest goes of it on the show so of course the only sex scene she has is when crazy-eyes Ramsay rips her dress and forces himself onto her after their sham of a wedding. Thankfully we now know that she dips and is able to take back Winterfell and sick Ramsay’s own dogs on him, but at the time, the scene was heartbreaking.

  3. Missandei and Grey Worm
    Season 7, Episode 2

No penis? No problem. These two are up there with Sam and Gilly as one of the few couples you’re actively rooting for. The tension between Missandei and Grey Worm had been building forever and the finally got it on in Season 7. Despite the fact that Grey Worm was castrated when he became part of the Unsullied, and was hesitant to drop trow in front of Missandei, he eventually undresses and seems to give some top notch oral sex.

  1. Jaime and Cersei, Once More
    Season 7, Episode 3
    Cersei walks over to Jaime, who’s sitting at a table and without saying a word, pulls down his pants and gets on her knees. While the incest alone should be shock enough, what comes next is even weirder. The morning after, Cersei decides she DGAF anymore and decides to open her bedroom door to her staff waiting outside, with a very naked Jaime still in bed.

  2. Dany and Jon
    Season 7, Episode 7
    The scene we’ve all been waiting for. Was it gross? Yes. But was it still kind of hot? Also yes. You can’t have a naked Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke in a scene and not somewhat enjoy it. The problem here is that Jon is unknowingly having sex with his aunt, and the realization is played in Bran’s voiceover while they passionately get it on in Dany’s bedroom. Let’s just hope that Dany didn’t get pregnant so that there isn’t a permanent reminder of that time they accidentally committed incest.

As you can probably tell just by looking at the Targaryen family tree, the characters in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon have a lot of sex. Like, a lot. So much so that the HOTD and Game of Thrones sex scenes are key to understanding the character's constantly shifting loyalties.

Ask yourselves, without the incest in House of the Dragon, what would you think of the alliance between Rhaenyra and Daemon and their determination to get the Iron Throne? Their sex scenes add to the strength of their bond and our understanding of their toxic relationship. Don't forget, GoT is the reason we now have the word "sexposition" to describe sex scenes that drive the plot forward! And although some of the more disturbing scenes have involved violence towards women, there are also plenty of hot, steamy, and, most importantly, consensual sex scenes to provide some sweet relief from the brutal world George R.R. Martin created. Thank the dragons!

And if you're one of the people who watch Game of Thrones and/or House of the Dragon for the sexy times, you've come to the right place. Here are the 31 best and most important sex scenes the shows have provided, from the strange and awkward to the really, really hot, to the sexposition essentials. You're gonna need this list before you re-re-rewatch the whole franchise on HBO Max. You're welcome. (Also, spoiler warning for House of the Dragon season one.)

Rhaenyra and Criston Cole (Season 1, Episode 4)

Thank the gods! After the weird, coercive interaction between Daemon and his young niece at a brothel, Rhaenyra takes out all that sexual frustration in a much more consensual, non-incesty way: with her personal guard. No surprise—he is into it.

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Rhaenyra and Daemon (Season 1, Episode 4)

Speaking of! The first get-together between the literal relatives is...a not great start for two people who will eventually become lovers and spouses. But! It is a lot hornier than the "ugh, let's just get this over with" sex between Alicent and the much older Viserys. And it's got a lot of Rhaenyra-Daemon foreshadowing...

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Daemon and Mysaria (Season 1, Episode 1)

Put this one in the "sexposition" category! The one sex scene from the HotD season one premiere was also the most traditionally GoT-like, with the scene hammering home (sorry) that Daemon's having an affair. And also that he has performance issues when he's stressed.

mysaria game of thrones sex scene

Jaime and Brienne (Season 8, Episode 4)

Praise the GOT gods because this was the sex scene we were all waiting for!! Brienne loving Jaime was a subplot for, oh, idk, a million episodes, and right at the end of the series, they finally get it on!!! Brienne admits she's never slept with anyone before, which makes it even more emotional. Now, if only Jaimie decided to stay with Brienne after this and not go back to Cersei. *Sigh*.

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Robb and Talisa (Season 3, Episode 7)

Any sex scene with hottie Robb Stark is going to be ~dracarys~ but combine that with his sexual chemistry with Talisa and you've got yourself a smokeshow.

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Poddrick the Sex God (Season 3, Episode 3)

Okay, so this isn't a sex scene per se, but it's so damn funny it couldn't be left out. As a thank you for saving his life, Tyrion takes young Poddrick to the brothel to be deflowered. When he comes back, he still has his money in hand, saying the ladies wouldn't take it because they were so happy with his, erm, performance. So ofc Bronn and Tyrion try to get deets from him on exactly what he did.

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Jaime and Cersei (Season 4, Episode 10)

Jaime and Cersei spend most of the series trying to hide their incestual relationship from everyone (remember when they tried to kill Bran over it?!). Well, this scene is when Cersei stops giving a flying f*ck, tells her dad about it, and then goes and has sex with Jaime on top of an effing table right out in the open where anyone could walk in. When Jaimie tries to warn her about this very important fact, she straight up tells him, "I don't care."

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Bronn and Mirelle (Season 3, Episode 1)

Bronn and Mirelle (one of the ladies from Littlefinger's brothel) are juuuust about to get it on when good ol' Poddrick walks in and kinda ruins the party. Bronn quickly realizes he won't be celebrating his newly bestowed knighthood how he would like after all, and heads on back to protect Tyrion.

game of thrones sex scene

Loras and Renly (Season 2, Episode 3)

Things are getting all hot and steamy between Loras Tyrell and Renly Baratheon (in a gorgeous canopy bed, no less) when Loras pumps the breaks on things because his ego's hurt after Brienne kicked his butt in a competition to join Renly’s Kingsguard. Things only get stranger when Loras tells Renly to go consummate his marriage with Margaery (aka Loras' sister).

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Tyrion and Ros (Season 1, Episode 1)

When Tyrion arrives in Winterfell, he not-so-surprisingly makes his first stop the local brothel, where he hires Ros for her services (don't forget, this is the intro to his character). Their time together is quickly interrupted by Jaime, who wants to make sure his brother is going to be at dinner. Unsurprisingly, Tyrion has a different kind of feast planned.

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Jaime and Cersei at Winterfell (Season 1, Episode 1)

GoT wastes no time jumping right into the deep end of the incest pool with the Jaime/Cersei relationship when Bran Stark finds them going at it inside a tower at Winterfell at the end of episode one. This is the first time we learn the twins are much closer than any siblings should be, and it’s the first clue that Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen are Jaime’s kids, not King Robert’s.

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Dany and Drogo, a Third Time (Season 1, Episode 2)

After her initial straight-up terrifying experiences with Drogo, Dany decides to take back some control and gets her handmaid Doreah to teach her the art of seduction. She puts her new moves into action and gets the Khal to have sex with her face-to-face. While it’s still hard at this point to forget that their relationship started with rape, this marks the beginning of their eventual love for each other.

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Viserys and Doreah (Season 1, Episode 4)

Doreah (the aforementioned handmaid) and Dany’s creep of a brother Viserys get it on in a steamy bathtub while he gives her a history lesson about dragons in Westeros.

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Theon and Ros (Season 1, Episode 5)

Before Theon became the trembling, brainwashed Reek, he was known for his many, many sexual conquests. He was a frequent customer of Ros and sneaked her into the castle for one last tryst before she left to go south to King’s Landing. While their relationship seems a little...unconventional, Theon seems genuinely sad when he later says he’s going to miss her.

best game of thrones sex scenes

Littlefinger, Ros, and Another Prostitute (Season 1, Episode 7)

In the brothel at King’s Landing, Littlefinger, aka Lord Baelish, is doing what he does best: being a total creep. He has Ros and another prostitute practice having sex in front of him and critiques their moves, sounds included, wanting them to make everything more believable. When the ladies ask him to join them, he mysteriously says he’s saving himself for someone with “impeccable bloodlines.”

best game of thrones sex scenes

Theon and the Ship Captain’s Daughter (Season 2, Episode 2)

Theon continues his sexual escapades while sailing home to the Iron Islands. Even on a boat, this guy can find someone to have sex with. He captures the attention of the ship captain’s daughter, who begs him to take her away with him. In true playboy fashion, he declines but still manages to keep the below-deck hookup going.

People, Forehead, Photograph, Facial expression, Jaw, Interaction, Black, Gesture, Conversation, Scene,

Jon and Ygritte (Season 3, Episode 5)

Jon and Ygritte’s scene was probably one of the few sexual encounters in the series that fans were actively rooting for. The highly anticipated hookup has all the makings of a great sex scene: forbidden love, a secluded cave, lots of furs, and conveniently placed hot springs. Of course, Ygritte starts to let out her classic “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” until she realizes that he does, in fact, know what he’s doing.

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Stannis and Melisandre (Season 2, Episode 2)

At Dragonstone, Melisandre makes her move on Stannis, who protests for all of half a second. All it takes is Melisandre telling him his wife is too weak and disgusting, and they swiftly get it on on top of the Painted Table. Knowing now that Melisandre eventually gives birth to a weird AF shadow baby, this scene becomes even more suspect.

stannis mellisandre game of thrones sex scenes
Courtesy Image

Robb and Talisa (Season 2, Episode 8)

The sexual tension between Robb and Talisa was so thick you could cut it with a sword, making their hookup all the more steamy. Sadly for the both of them, it was also the beginning of the end. Robb broke off his engagement to Walder Frey’s daughter, which ultimately lead to the infamous Red Wedding. Good thing they enjoyed themselves while they could.

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Loras and Olyvar (Season 3, Episode 5)

Despite the fact that Loras is betrothed to Sansa, we soon learn that he jousts for the other team. He has a hot hookup with Olyvar inside the castle and questions Olyvar on how he could tell he was gay. (That clip is dubbed in Spanish but, like, still hot!!)

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Gendry and Melisandre (Season 3, Episode 8)

Sometimes you think you’re hooking up with a hot older woman, but then sometimes they end up pinning you down, tying you up, and sucking out your magical king’s blood with leeches. Gendry learned that the hard way.

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Ramsay and Myranda (Season 5, Episode 5)

Myranda is getting jelly of the time her kinda BF Ramsay is spending with his imprisoned bride-to-be Sansa, but that doesn’t stop them from having some upright sex standing by the window in Ramsay’s room at Winterfell.

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Sam and Gilly (Season 5, Episode 7)

While Sam might not be the hottest man in Westeros, he and Gilly are by far one of the best couples, making their not-entirely-sexy sex scene still pretty cute. While it’s clear their sex is a bit tamer than most in GoT (aka not rough or between relatives), in true Sam style, he’s still bringing a bit of comic relief with his shocked faces and a couple gasps of “Oh my.”

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Dany and Daario (Season 5, Episode 7)

Dany’s first post-Drogo hookup is the beautiful Daario Naharis. Tension between these two had been building up, and Dany didn’t even seem to mind when he drastically changed looks between seasons (hello, actor change). While the scene manages to skip over the actual sex, Dany maintains her boss-bitch ways in the moments before by commanding Daario to take off his clothes.

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Missandei and Grey Worm (Season 7, Episode 2)

No penis? No problem. These two are up there with Sam and Gilly as one of the few couples you’re actively rooting for. The tension between Missandei and Grey Worm had been building forever and they finally got it on in season seven. Despite the fact that Grey Worm was castrated when he became part of the Unsullied and was hesitant to drop trou in front of Missandei, he eventually undresses and seems to give some top-notch oral sex.

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Jaime and Cersei, Once More (Season 7, Episode 3)

Cersei walks over to Jaime, who’s sitting at a table, and without saying a word, pulls down his pants and gets on her knees. While the incest alone should be shocking enough, what comes next is even weirder. The morning after, Cersei decides she DGAF anymore and decides to open her bedroom door to her staff waiting outside, with a very naked Jaime still in bed.

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Dany and Jon (Season 7, Episode 7)

The scene we’ve all been waiting for. Was it kinda icky? Yes. But was it still kind of hot? Also yes. You can’t have a naked Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke in a scene and not somewhat enjoy it. The problem here is that Jon is unknowingly having sex with his aunt, and the realization is played in Bran’s voiceover while they passionately get it on in Dany’s bedroom.

a person standing in a room with a group of people
Courtesy HBO

Arya and Gendry (Season 8, Episode 2)

It’s the night before the end of the world as all our beloved characters know it, and Arya wants to know what sex is like before she faces the White Walkers and everyone dies. Gendry is more than willing to help out.

There was nothing problematic about the scene—both parties consented enthusiastically and Arya is at least 18 years old. (Maisie is 22, FYI). Even so, to a lot of viewers, she’ll always be the 12-year-old sister we could definitely not take on in a fight.

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