27 Yorkshire criminals locked up in June from double murderer to ‘besotted’ stalker

-Credit: (Image: West Yorkshire Police)
-Credit: (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

It's been another busy month at the courts across Yorkshire in June, with 27 criminals put behind bars.

Every month, hundreds of defendants pass through the doors of Leeds Crown Court , Sheffield Crown Court , York Crown Court and Bradford Crown Court as well as the magistrates' courts across the county.

And June is no different.

This month we saw sentences passed for offenders including Rashane Douglas who was responsible for the double murder of Joshua Clark and Haidar Shah outside a nightclub in Halifax and Annabelle Allan who who used her job with Lloyds Bank as “cover” to con her friends and family out of half a million pounds after tricking them into investing in a fake share scheme.

Below is a list of people locked up in Yorkshire in June.

Read more: Family's heartbreak as 'forever loved' Grant Watson dies two days after off-road bike crash

Michael Murray

Michael Murray
Michael Murray -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

“Dangerous and calculated” predator Michael Murray was sentenced to 14 years in prison after he plied his teenage victim with prescription medication.

Michael Murray, groomed the victim over a period of time before plying her with the drugs in order to facilitate his sexual offending. The 39-year-old, of Prescott Street, Halifax, was found guilty of two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and one count of sexual assault after a trial at Bradford Crown Court.

Read the full story here.

Bradley Burgin

Bradley Burgin
Bradley Burgin -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Bradley Burgin from Barnsley knocked two female police officers to the ground before going on the run.

One officer suffered facial injuries during the attack. Burgin managed to escape but was later stopped by officers a few weeks later on December 15 after he was spotted driving while disqualified in the Cudworth area. He failed to stop for officers and a pursuit commenced. During the pursuit, Burgin reached speeds of 80mph in a Land Rover Discovery.

Burgin appeared before Sheffield Crown Court on Friday, June 14 where he was sentenced to 12 months in prison.

Read the full story here.

Jamie Ross

Jamie ross bombarded his ex-girlfriend with calls and texts
Jamie ross bombarded his ex-girlfriend with calls and texts -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

“Besotted” stalker Jamie Ross was locked up for more than two years and issued a lifetime restraining order after he bombarded his ex-girlfriend with calls and texts.

Ross, 34, also went on to assault her new boyfriend in the street. In July last year Ross was locked up by magistrates for 12 weeks for harassing the same woman and assaulting her, but despite the justices imposing a three-year restraining order his stalking of her began again within a few weeks of being released.

Read the full story here.

Jerry Scothern

Jerry Scothern
Jerry Scothern -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Sheffield drug dealer Jerry Scothern was caught using an encrypted messaging platform to set up the sale of tens of thousands of pounds worth of Class A drugs.

His home was searched by cops after they received a tip off about the messaging platform. Several items were seized following a search of the address. Officers determined that Scothern had conspired to supply quantities of cocaine, and he pleaded guilty to the charge at Sheffield Crown Court on April 2.

On Wednesday, June 19, he was sentenced to five years in prison.

Read the full story here.

Sarah Connor

Thief Sarah Connor
Thief Sarah Connor -Credit:SYP

A Doncaster thief who targeted the same shop 11 times in eight days was put behind bars for four months.

Connor, who had already served a sentence for shoplifting, was caught stealing again after stealing £32 worth of goods from a pharmacy in Edlington. More thefts followed, with Connor targeting two particular stores and stealing hundreds of pounds worth of stock.

She committed 11 shoplifting offences at a One Stop store in Edlington over an eight-day period in early June before stealing £83 worth of good from a One Stop shop in Balby. Connor's offending was random as she targeted lots of high value items, including cans of vodka, jars of coffee and blocks of cheese.

Read the full story here.

Lisa Wade

Drunk cyclist Lisa Wade was jailed under an obscure Victorian law after she crashed into a pedestrian at “great speed”, leaving her with serious injuries.

Wade, 46, pleaded guilty to causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving, an offence that comes under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. It was created to address the dangers posed by the increasing use of horse-drawn carriages in the mid-19th century.

York Crown Court heard she came “flying” around a blind corner on her bicycle with no brakes and knocked over Ruth Kitching, 65, causing catastrophic injuries. Wade, of York, was riding one-handed on the pavement and holding a large bag of dog food in her other hand, the court was told.

Read the full story here.

Annabelle Allan

Annabelle Allan has been jailed
Lisa Wade has been jailed for causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving after flying around a blind corner on her bicycle with no brakes and knocking over a woman

A sophisticated fraudster who used her job with Lloyds Bank as “cover” to trick friends and family into investing in a fake share scheme has been jailed for four years.

Halifax woman Annabelle Allan, 29, even scammed her own brother by taking out personal loans in his name and when she was on bail for her earlier offending, she embarked on a third type of fraud after she got a job at a car sales business.

Read the full story here.

Andrew Hackin

Andrew Hackin was put back behind bars after breaching a court order banning him from Huddersfield from noon every day.

Hackin, 51, from Chesil Bank, Quarmby in Huddersfield was jailed for 12 weeks for breaching a five year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) imposed on him on April 11.

Hackin had been served with the five-year order due to causing persistent anti-social behaviour, often linked to alcohol, which caused distress to residents and shop staff.

Read the full story here.

Ryan Nisbet

Annabelle Allan has been jailed -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

Drug dealer Ryan Nisbet - who asked for him mum while being handcuffed by officers - was later jailed for three and a half years.

Nisbet, from Doncaster, squealed: “I’m sorry! Can I ring my mum, please?!” During his arrest. He later admitted to having drugs in his possession and said that he'd been paid to drive a stolen vehicle.

He was locked up after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and dangerous driving, being concerned in the supply of cocaine, possession with intent to supply cocaine and possession of cannabis.

Read the full story here.

Joshua Bentley

Andrew Hackin
Andrew Hackin

Joshua Bentley was locked up after he swung a machete at a West Yorkshire Police officer and told him he was “an inch off killing him”.

Bradford Crown Court heard how Bentley, 34, had a long-standing umbrage with police officers which spanned 20 years. He was sentenced to a total of two years and seven months in prison for a series of offences committed against police officers between September 2022 and November last year.

Read the full story here.

Luke Fox

A rapist who strangled his victim in a terrifying attack has been jailed after his victim bravely came forward.

Evil Luke Fox, 37, from Bingley, near Bradford, admitted a string of offences at Bradford Crown Court, including rape, intentional strangulation and assault. He was jailed for eight years for his horrendous crimes.

Read the full story here.

Arjan Imeraj

Arjan Imeraj
Ryan Nisbet -Credit:SYP

Arjan Imeraj, 45, was jailed for two years for the production of cannabis after officers in Doncaster found him hiding in a makeshift bedroom at the cannabis factory discovered in Kirk Sandall.

Read the full story here.

Stan Bentley

Stan Bentley
-Credit:West Yorkshire Police

Stan Bentley was put behind bars for five years and six months after he was caught on camera selling crack cocaine.

Bentley, 25, sold three wraps of crack cocaine for £25, leading to his arrest in February 2024 as part of a wider and ongoing operation by South Yorkshire Police to dismantle drug gangs working in different areas of Doncaster.

Read the full story here.

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Geoffrey Hurt

Paedophile Geoffrey Hurt has been jailed
Dangerous Luke Fox raped and strangled his victim

A sick paedophile who claimed he was "play fighting" with a teenager he sexually abused has been jailed.

Geoffrey Hurt, 38, has finally faced justice after a jury saw through his lies and found him guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of sexual communications with a child following a trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

South Yorkshire Police said that as well as having sexual activity with his victim, Hurt, of Batemoor Place, Sheffield, sent messages asking his 13-year-old victim for pictures. When he was arrested, he denied anything sexual had taken place and then ignored officer's questions.

In addition to the jail sentence, Hurt was also made the subject of a ten-year sexual harm prevention order banning him from having any contact with girls under the age of 18.

Read the full story here.

Denise Povall

Paedophile Denise Povall has been jailed after sexually abusing a ten-year-old boy
Arjan Imeraj -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Teaching assistant Denise Povall, 61, from Ripon, was put behind bars for eight years after she groomed a 10-year-old boy. She bought him gifts and sent him texts before attacking him.

North Yorkshire Police said she carried out an "evil and sustained" campaign of sexual exploitation, had sex with the boy and performed sex acts on him.

Read the full story here.

Aaron Casey

Sick stalker Aaron Casey has been jailed
Stan Bentley -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Stalker Aaron Casey made his victim so terrified of what her sick stalker would do next after he bombarded her with calls and messages that she sat up all night watching her CCTV.

Casey, 30, posted a naked image of the woman on Snapchat and told her: "I'm going to ruin you, watch" during his horrific campaign against her. On a single day, she received 261 calls from Casey harassing her.

Recorder Giuliani made Casey the subject of a 64 month extended sentence, made up on 32 months in custody and an extended licence period of 32 months.

Read the full story here.

Adam Wainwright

Sheffield paedophile Adam Wainwright has been jailed
Paedophile Geoffrey Hurt has been jailed -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

A sick Sheffield pervert who offered a little girl a "bad boy massage" and said he would give her £10 to take her pants off was locked up in June.

Adam Wainwright, 32, was jailed for two years and eight months after admitting sexual assault on a girl under the age of 13. His sick crime came to light when the little girl told her mother he had done something "weird" to her last year.

Read the full story here.

Basit Ali Khan

Basit Ali Khan has appeared in court
Paedophile Denise Povall has been jailed after sexually abusing a ten-year-old boy -Credit:North Yorkshire Police

A Bradford dad has been handed a jail sentence totalling more than six years after he was involved in Class A drug dealing and yet another incident of dangerous driving.

Basit Ali Khan’s drugs offending took place more than two years ago, but his latest driving offence, which involved a police chase at speeds up to 90mph in a 30mph zone, was committed in July last year.

Read the full story here.

Haseeb Khalil and Amaad Yaseen

Haseeb Khalil (left) and Amaad Yaseen (right)
Sick stalker Aaron Casey has been jailed -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Haseeb Khalil has been put behind bars for nine years and nine months after he raped, assaulted, falsely imprisoned, and robbed a woman.

Khalil was sentenced at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday, May 24 for rape, sexual assault, and false imprisonment, which he committed on November 27 2023.

His co-accused Amaad Yaseen, 27, of Stainforth Road, Sheffield, was sentenced to a total of 20 months and four weeks imprisonment for theft from a shop, possession of a bladed knife in a public place, and failure to surrender to police.

Read the full story here.

Lee Dove

Lee Dove
Sheffield paedophile Adam Wainwright has been jailed -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Doncaster thug Lee Dove who brutally attacked a man and left him fighting for life with a fractured skull has been jailed for two years and nine months.

Dove, 37, attacked his victim in Doncaster city centre in February 2024, leaving him in a critical condition and with only a "small chance of survival". He suffered a fractured skull and two traumatic bleeds on the brain after being punched twice by Dove.

Read the full story here.

Alison Ramsay

Alison Ramsay
Basit Ali Khan has appeared in court -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

A nurse who murdered an elderly woman at a care home has been jailed again for stealing £17,000 from shop in York which employed her to help her rehabilitation.

Alison Ramsay - previously Firth - was jailed for life in 2001 for giving Alice Grant, 84, a huge overdose of a powerful sedative because she was 'too lazy to look after her'.

She was released on parole in November 2017 and given a managerial role at Shared Earth, an ethical gift shop in York which gives jobs to ex-cons to aid rehabilitation - where she later went on to steal £17,000.

She was jailed for 20 months after pleading guilty to theft by employee.

Read the full story here.

Nicola Lethbridge and Zoe Rider

[L-R] Zoe Rider and Nicola Lethbridge have been found guilty of robbery and murder
Haseeb Khalil (left) and Amaad Yaseen (right) -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Nicola Lethbridge and Zoe Rider were told they will spend 26 years behind bars for the brutal murder of their vulnerable neighbour Stephen Koszyczarski.

The sick duo targeted Stephen and attacked him at his home in Fraser Drive, Sheffield, accusing him of being a paedophile, taunting and mutilating him before inflicting a fatal head injury. Lethbridge, 45, and Rider, 36, filmed some of the horrific attack.

Read the full story here.

Rashane Douglas

Rashane Douglas has been jailed for murder
Lee Dove -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Rashane Douglas will spend at least 28 years in prison for murdering two men outside a nightclub.

Douglas, 19, fatally stabbed Joshua Clark, 21, and Haidar Shah, 19, outside Maggie's in Commercial Street, Halifax, on October 1. A trial at Bradford Crown Court was told Douglas had launched his attack after a row over a woman.

Read the full story here.

Franklin Tomlinson

Franklin Tomlinson has been put behind bars again
Alison Ramsay -Credit:North Yorkshire Police© SWNS

A homeless man who turned to drug dealing after his last release from prison was caught wandering the streets with a Rambo-style knife.

Franklin Tomlinson, 64, was spotted by CCTV operators in Sheffield with a knife on August 12 last year. Earlier this month he was handed a four and a half year prison sentence, half of which he will serve in custody before being released on licence.

Read the full story here.

Nathan Holding

Nathan Holding has been jailed
[L-R] Zoe Rider and Nicola Lethbridge have been found guilty of robbery and murder -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

A man was lured to a Wakefield property and robbed at knifepoint in a terrifying attack.

Nathan Holding, 31, has been jailed for three years and nine months for the robbery, which took place after his victim arrived at the home of co-accused Summer Howarth on August 27 last year.

Read the full story here.