​30 HILARIOUS responses to Trump being called 'Von ShitzInPants' in court today

Donald Trump is being mocked on social media for being called ShitzInPants during his hush money trail
Donald Trump is being mocked on social media for being called ShitzInPants during his hush money trail

We may never stop laughing!

We're only in week three of former President Donald Trump's hush-money trial, but it's already given us more laughs than we ever could have predicted!


First, the Biden Administration — and the entirety of the internet — made fun of Trump for falling asleep at his own trial. Next, we got the video clip of MAGA blowhard's hair being lifted off of his head by a light breeze outside of court, and then we watched as the internet roasted him for making that ridiculous butthole face while leaving court. It's truly an embarrassment of riches, but what happened in court today takes the cake.

Today was the second gag order hearing in Trump's criminal trial — because, of course, he can't keep his mouth shut — where the Republican's legal team argued that the gag order violates Trump's right to defend himself against insults from his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen.

Big mistake. Huge!

This meant that Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, read aloud into the court record a social media post made by Cohen on April 22 where he called Trump "Von ShitzInPants," clearly in reference to the dictator-in-training allegedly wearing adult diapers. Yes, this means that Trump's OWN lawyer called him "VonShitzInPants" on the record and in front of Trump himself.

We really wish we could have been there to witness it, but the side benefit of watching the news to find out what happened in court today is that we got to hear CNN's Jake Tapper repeatedly say "Von ShitzInPants" on national TV. "Okay, I apologize for this update ahead of time," he said on air. "But, Blanche, Todd Blanche, the Trump attorney, is specifically reading a post that Michael Cohen made on Twitter on April 22, and one in which he refers to Donald Trump as Von ShitzinPants. That is just a factual record that I'm bringing before you."


Taper's ability to say Von ShitzinPants with a straight face is a testament to his journalistic integrity. We could never.

Normally we wouldn't condone poking fun at someone for an incontinence problem, but it's Trump…and, in our defense, people are being really funny about it! The diaper memes are endless, people are using a Statler and Waldorf meme to laugh at Trump, and other people are pointing out how funny it is that this was said in front of the former president, with one person writing on X, "Just the fact that #vonshitzinpants was read into the record today, BY THAT RAT'S OWN ATTORNEY, is fucking hilarious!" But our favorite joke of all is an O.J. Simpson trial reference, "If the diapers fit, you can't acquit. If the diapers fit, you must convict."

Keep scrolling to see the funniest responses to Trump's hilarious new nickname!