32 Times Angel Proved Buffy Should Have Picked Him

 David Boreanaz as Angelus on Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2.
Credit: 20th Century Fox Television

Ever since it first hit TV, Joss Whedon's Buffy The Vampire Slayer has been a cult classic series with a strong following. Despite the show ending back in 2003, it's still popular and the discourse about its seven seasons hasn't let up. Much like Gilmore Girls' Team Jess or Team Dean debate, Buffy fans have been debating for Angel or Spike. Although there are 32 times Angel proves Buffy should have picked him.

Throughout its seven-season run on both the WB and UPN, Buffy the Vampire Slayer's seasons showed the good and ugly of her intense relationship with David Boreanaz's Angel. While some maintain that Spike was her true love (sorry, Riley) there are also fans who wanted to see her end up with Angel. Below are a number of times that Angel proved he was the right vampiric guy for The Chosen One, in no particular order.

Angel returning to Buffy in Pangs, talking in Giles' house
Angel returning to Buffy in Pangs, talking in Giles' house

Secretly fighting for her in "Pangs"

Throughout Buffy's years on the air, there were a number of episodes themed to fit holidays. In addition to those iconic Halloween episodes, there is also "Pangs" aka the Thanksgiving episode. Buffy and Angel are broken up and he's living in LA, so he fights the bad guys of the episode without ever letting her know he was there.

Buffy in her graduation gown
Buffy in her graduation gown

Fighting against The Mayor during "Graduation Day."

Season 3's Buffy finale is an epic two-partner, where Sunnydale High students arm up and fight The Mayor as he ascends. Angel is there as backup, offering some much-needed muscle against fellow vampires once the eclipse begins.

Buffy and Angel kissing for the first time in her bedroom
Buffy and Angel kissing for the first time in her bedroom

Buffy and Angel's first kiss

Buffy and Angel were the primary love story for the show's first three seasons, also we also saw other couples like Willow and Oz, plus Cordelia and Xander. But Bangel's first kiss in the first season was iconic and shows how much love they had from early on.

Angel talking to Buffy in Season 7 after they kissed.
Angel talking to Buffy in Season 7 after they kissed.

Showing up in Season 7 to back Buffy up against Caleb

Season 7 is the final chapter of Buffy's life on TV, and sees her and potential Slayers fighting against The First Evil. Angel makes a surprise appearance to defend Buffy against Caleb, although she ultimately dispatches the villain solo with the help of the Scythe.

Eliza Dushku as Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Eliza Dushku as Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Saving Faith

Eliza Dushku's Faith is known as the bad Slayer, and she appears in both Buffy and Angel over the years. In the spinoff, her relationship with the titular vampire is really explored, with him taking care of her despite Faith nearly killing him back in Season 3. What a class act.

Buffy talking to Angel in an ice skating rink
Buffy talking to Angel in an ice skating rink

The ice skating kill/kiss.

Throughout Buffy's run on the air, there were plenty of times when Angel came guns a-blazing to help his girlfriend. That happened on an ice skating ring in Season 2, where Buffy used her skates to cut the throat of an enemy. And afterward they shared a sweet kiss, with her even accepting his vamped-out face.

Angel giving Buffy the Claddagh ring in Season 2
Angel giving Buffy the Claddagh ring in Season 2

Giving Buffy the claddagh ring.

In Season 2 Buffy and Angel's relationship reached new heights... until he turned evil. But when things were good he gave her the iconic claddagh ring, in a romantic scene that showed their devotion toward each other.

Angel in a tux for Buffy's prom
Angel in a tux for Buffy's prom

Angel showing up at Buffy's prom.

By the end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3, it was clear that she and Angel were broken; there was simply too much trauma and water under the bridge. But that didn't stop David Boreanaz's character from showing up at prom to give her a night of teen normalcy, with the pair sharing a sweet dance to "Wild Horses."

Buffy and Angel looking up at the snow
Buffy and Angel looking up at the snow

Christmas in Sunnydale

The Buffy Christmas episode "Amends" sees Angel haunted by visions of his murderous past, with the character eventually deciding to kill himself by waiting for the sun to come up. But in a true Christmas miracle, it miraculously snows in Sunnydale, and the sun never comes out. Instead, the two walk through the snow together.

Nicholas Brendon in Buffy
Nicholas Brendon in Buffy

Never Punching Xander Out

Angel and Xander never got along, and things got worse when he lost his soul and became Angelus. The vampire took a lot of crap from Xander over the years and still held back from knocking him out.

Giles in Once More with Feeling
Giles in Once More with Feeling

Making amends after Angelus tortured Giles

When he transformed back into Angelus, David Boreanaz's character went through a murderous tear through Sunnydale that left Jenny Calendar and Kendra the Slayer dead. Giles (who was always full of wisdom) was also tortured, and Angel spent the next year and change repenting and earning his respect back.

James Marsters in Buffy
James Marsters in Buffy

Even at his worst, Angel wasn't as ruthless as William the Bloody.

The team Angel or Spike debate has been raging for years, as both of the vampires have done some awful things. But even when they were both at their most evil, William the Bloody was the more deranged out of the two-- including killing two Slayers.

Angel and Buffy talking at the cemetary after Joyce's funeral
Angel and Buffy talking at the cemetary after Joyce's funeral

Showing up for Buffy after Joyce's death.

Buffy and Angel had been broken up for years when her mother Joyce died suddenly in Season 5. But he still showed up the night after the funeral, holding her in the Sunnydale Cemetary and letting her talk out her complicated feelings.

Buffy and Angel face to face before making love.
Buffy and Angel face to face before making love.

Buffy and Angel's only time having sex brought his soul back.

Every Buffy fan knows that Buffy and Angel's first and only time hooking up brought disaster. Angel had a moment of true happiness, which triggered the curse attached to him, and removed his soul. That's how intense their love was.

Cordelia speaking to Buffy at the library
Cordelia speaking to Buffy at the library

Never flirting back with Cordelia in Sunnydale

In the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there was someone else seeking Angel's affection: Charisma Carpenter's Cordelia Chase. But despite her many advances, he never took the bait.

Fred in Angel looking confused with a gadget
Fred in Angel looking confused with a gadget

Forming his own chosen family unit.

After Season 3 of Buffy, Angel got his own spinoff. And during that time we watched him form a chosen family and group of allies to battle the forces of evil in Los Angeles.

Darla smiling at Angel in Buffy
Darla smiling at Angel in Buffy

Killing Darla to save Buffy

Darla and Angel were undead life partners for years before he got his soul, killing countless people in the process. So him staking her to save Buffy back in Season 1 was a big sign of love for The Slayer.

Vincent Kartheiser as Connor at a dinner table in Angel
Vincent Kartheiser as Connor at a dinner table in Angel

Being a father to Connor.

Eventually, during the run of Angel, Darla is miraculously resurrected. She and Angel eventually have a child named Connor, and Buffy would no doubt be impressed with how he tried to be a father figure despite the mystical circumstances.

Mark Metcalf as The Master on Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1
Mark Metcalf as The Master on Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1

Saving Buffy from The Master with Xander.

The first Big Bad the Scooby Gang faced was The Master aka one of the Best Buffy Villains. He did actually kill our hero, but luckily Xander and Angel were able to make sure she was quickly revived.

Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Appreciating the real Buffy.

In Buffy's first Halloween episode, the title character dressed up in a gown to try and look like the women of Angel's time. Things quickly go awry, and he makes it clear that she real her is so much better.

Angel behind Buffy in the hallway when they're both possessed
Angel behind Buffy in the hallway when they're both possessed

He stopped Buffy from taking her own life.

In the Season 2 episode "I Only Have Eyes For You", Buffy and the evil Angelus are both possessed. After Buffy shoots him and attempts to kill herself, he stops her.

Harmony brushing her fangs in Angel
Harmony brushing her fangs in Angel

Taking Harmony under his wing at Wolfram & Hart.

The final season of Angel features more connection to Buffy lore, including adding both Spike and Harmony to the cast. And Angel really took care of Harmony throughout that season, despite her being without a soul and ultimately betraying him in the series finale.

The cast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The cast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Offering to fight The First with Buffy in "Chosen."

Angel showing up for the final two episodes of Buffy was exciting for fans, but it was ultimately a cameo. Still, he offered to rush into the Hell Mouth with the Potentials, although he was instructed by Buffy to form a second line of defense in case the Scoobies failed.

Angel sick holding Willow's hand in Graduation Day Part 2
Angel sick holding Willow's hand in Graduation Day Part 2

Not wanting to drink from Buffy to save his life.

In the two-part Season 3 finale of Buffy, Faith shoots Angel with a poison arrow. The only thing that can cure him is Slayer blood, but even at death's door he initially refused to drink from Sarah Michelle Gellar's character. Talk about restraint.

Angel and Buffy kissing during the day when he's briefly turned human
Angel and Buffy kissing during the day when he's briefly turned human

Giving up being human with Buffy.

In Season 1 of Angel, Sarah Michelle Gellar pops up as Buffy. In this episode Angel is briefly turned human, finally allowing him and his true love to have their time in the sun. But he would go on to sacrifice this to continue saving the world.

Buffy showing up at Angel's office in Season 1
Buffy showing up at Angel's office in Season 1

Telling Buffy she's the only person he's ever loved.

Angel had a hard life, both before and after he became a vampire. So when he tells Buffy she's the only person he's ever loved during Season 3's "Earshot", you know he means it.

Buffy as Anne in Season 3
Buffy as Anne in Season 3

Comforting Buffy when she has visions of him dying.

One of the gifts that comes with being a Slayer is prophetic visions. This can be horrifying at times for Buffy, but Angel was there to comfort her when she had nightmares about him dying. Which of course, he did.

Angel dying after being stabbed by Buffy
Angel dying after being stabbed by Buffy

Letting Buffy kill him.

In the Season 2 finale, Angelus is wreaking havoc, including helping to kill Kendra. Buffy is tasked with killing her true love, and even after he gets his Soul back he lets it happen... and even forgives her after he's miraculously resurrected.

Faith smiling at Angel
Faith smiling at Angel

Sending Faith home with Willow to fight The First

Faith and Angel's unique relationship is fleshed out further in Season 4 of the spinoff. After Willow once again restores his soul, he sends Faith to Sunnydale to help the Scoobies against The First Evil.

Buffy looking up at Angel during Season 2
Buffy looking up at Angel during Season 2

Walking home with Buffy in "Some Assembly Required."

Some of Angel and Buffy's best moments were outside of fighting Evil, where the pair could behave like a normal couple. Case in point: when the pair walked home together in "Some Assembly Required" early in Season 2.

Cordelia Chase looking hopeful in Angel Episode 1
Cordelia Chase looking hopeful in Angel Episode 1

Hiring Cordelia for Angel Investigations

Cordelia and Angel become an unlikely duo during Angel. And that's largely because the title character hired Cordelia to help him run his investigative firm early in its life.

Angel talking to Giles in Pangs
Angel talking to Giles in Pangs

Respecting Buffy's privacy while they were broken up.

Buffy and Angel never stop having strong feelings toward each other, even when they split up. Angel respected her need for space, including protecting her during "Pangs" without letting the Slayer know he was back in town. Despite this, the debate about Team Spike or Team Angel will likely rage on.